

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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Do you think you are good looking? (Sent this to everyone I follow, just want some funny replies)


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Well where would you want it;) xxxxxxxx

that would depend on where you'd let me have it, put it this way, i want a new background but i'll only change it for one that's more interesting ;) xxxxxxxx

Noo I honestly don't. No you can't deny it, because I will win this, no matter what;) trust me, you're gorgeous and anyone would be lucky to have you. End off:3

hunny, i know you're goregeous and everything but you seriously need to stop talking about yourself ;) x

Aww, you have put a huge smile on my face:3 noo I don't, trust me. Aww you're so cute:3 but noo. We should be talking about you being the hot, gorgeous one here:3 xx

good, guarantee you look even more beautiful when you do smile, and thanks but no, im not the gorgeous one here, you are, and im not gonna stop saying it until you understand just how stunning you are :) xx

bet you could get any girl on here, to prove it who ever likes this thinks you're perfect and would love to have you as their boyfriend? like this if that's the case, come on, he's gorgeous, and so mice, tell him please, he needs to know how amazing he is

okay, but i know what coming, im not anything special, and this won't get any likes, thanks so much but you're wrong, no one is going to like this, here goes nothing xox

Ohh shh you;) aww that was so cute:3 XD

thanks, but you probably get told things like this all the time, i mean, i can't imagine how anyone who looks at you wouldn't think the same as me, you're stunning, beautiful, gorgeous :)

Actually you could get any girl. I bet most of the girls on here are begging for your undivided attention like me. So you can.

i couldn't, and i know they're not, i can't get any girl, im just an ordinary guy, nothing special bout me, but thanks
Liked by: wannabe indie kid

Qualities your dream girl should have?

i never do any of these long paragraph answers but fuck it, might as well,
i don't actually have a 'dream girl', but as most people i know what i think would be perfect for a girl, although there probably isn't anyone like it, well starting with the least important, looks;
i really like blue eyes, don't know why but they always look fucking stunning,
also i like blonde hair, probably because it goes nicely with blue eyes, i like brunette too,
i wouldn't want them to be taller than me so 5 foot 7 is perfect,
like most boys big tits are a yes yes, and i love a good bum,
now to the more important shit, personality;
they would have to be really nice to everyone,
not too shy but not too loud,
i'd love for them to be really modest, so that every time i'd complement them they'd disagree so that i could have cute little arguments with her about it and send her cute messages about how gorgeous she really is,
also she's have to have good sense of humour, and she couldn't be serious all the time,
and then also there's the relationship;
i'd really like one of those cute relationships were she'd be round mine every day, and i'd go sleep round hers on the weekends,
when she'd be ill and off school i'd take the day off too and spend the whole day snuggled up with her watching films and play fighting, and i'd make her brownies and take them to her while she was in bed, then when she wanted to sleep i'd give her a good night kiss and cuddle up with her,
i'd send her long morning and night messages telling her how much i love her and how amazing she is,
i wouldn't let anyone hurt her, i'd do everything to protect her, she'd be on my mind all day,
i would send her flowers every Monday and give her a box of chocolates with a cute message every Friday,
i'd have cute conversations with her through letters and i'd tell her something amazing about her in each one,
i'd treat her like she was the only thing i had, i would give her everything she wanted,
i'd love her, and do everything i could for her,
and lastly i'd tell her all of these things, everyday, i'd tell her how much she meant to me, and how much i loved her, and how i'd want to be with her forever, how she was perfect and how i wanted to make her feel that way. xox

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