

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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I have been struggling with depression since I was 10 (I'm 14 now) and I have been cutting for 3 years. I have attempted to kill myself more times then I can count on my fingers. I see your post and they inspire me to stop but I can't seem to. I know I need help. Please help me.

first of all you need to realise suicide wont help anything
as I said before it doesn't stop the pain it just passes it on to the people who love you
secondly you need to realise that things can change
and that whether or not they change it's down to you
you need to let go of the pt and everything that's happened and move on
look forward to all the good that will come
to help you below is a picture, follow it's instructions, it will help you stop self harming

I need some help. I attempted suicide last month and unfortunately it didn't go to plan at all. It didnt work I want to do it again and hopefully this time it will work but I don't want to make my family and friends upset what should I do?

attempting suicide isn't option,
it's a mistake,
taken by millions,
those who survive it regret it,
it destroys families,
triggers depression in those who love you,
triggers others to do it also,
it doesn't stop your pain. It passes it on to your family and those who love you
don't even think of committing suicide, it wont help. At all.
you have so much to live for and things will get better. Go out, find things to do to take your mind of everything. find a hobby, anything,
just wait,
because things will get better in time
I promise

well I don't know I've just been really down lately and I feel I do everything wrong and I have no one to talk to I'm just alone and it sucks :((

everyone has ups and downs, it happens with everyone
everyone has those days when they have no idea why but they find themselves feeling really low, worthless, sometimes they even start thinking about doing stupid things
it happens to everyone
but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that whatever you're feeling right now, is only temporary
so many people regret decision they made because of feelings they carried with them
the words
'think with your mind not your heart'
have a lot more meaning than people think
so many people get into relationships because they 'think' the other person is perfect for them
sometimes they've never even met the person, or the person doesn't match the other AT ALL
but they look past everything because their heart tells them 'he's the one' 'she's the one'
I know of so many people who attempted suicide, nearly managed, only just survived
all because they had been feeling really low recently
and now they regret it, they think it was the most stupid thing they ever did
and most of them can't even think of a clear reason why they did
basically what I'm trying to say is whatever's been happening, how ever you've been feeling
look past it,
things will get better
your feelings are only temporary
you'll get through it okay
you just have to let yourself get through it

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