

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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honestly, i dont feel like living anymore, i need a break from everything and everyone. im so tempted to commit to that, know any good ways? :(

there are lots of things you can do. If the problem's at home go out, or listen to music, or have a hobby, take up a sport, anything. Anything that will take your mind of things.
suicide is never an option, no matter how hard things get, never EVER even think about it
there are other ways
because suicide doesn't help, not at all, things are hard for everyone, no one has life 'easy' some just go through things that are easier to notice,
But things do get better, I know everyone says it, and It may not have much meaning when someone does say it, but it is true, It's happened to so many people, so many people have attempted suicide, many died others survived thank God, and the ones who did survive saw things get better eventually, and now they think about how stupid they were for attempting to leave everything they loved behind.
suicide isn't an option.
it's not a way out
It's just a way to stop yourself from getting better

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Danielle really wants a thigh gap, do you think she needs one to look beautiful?

no, I've told her to me she's perfect as she is
to me she already has the perfect body
if she has a thigh gap or not wont change that
thigh gaps don't affect a person In my opinion
It's okay to have one
It's okay not to have one
what's not okay is to starve yourself just so you can please people who say you NEED to have one


Language: English