

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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deleting my ask fm later babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i understand if you do, seen what that cunt's been saying, i still want to talk to you though, come of for a while untill you feel better and then come back, if i find out who that dick head is i can guarantee they're gonna be sorry for what they said, your mums an amazing person, and you're one of the strongest people i know, you're everything to me and you're amazing, don't let that low life shit excuse of a human get to you baby, i love you, don't answer any more of his questions either, unless he comes of anon, i promise you now if i find out who it is im gonna hurt the little cunt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ignore that anon what a wanker, obviously can't take banter lol they are probably some dirty tramp or something but hope you're okay xo

yeah thanks, It's FUCING hilarious how he/she still doesn't understand i was joking, and yeah im fine, why wouldn't i be, the guy's probably just some lonely cunt who has nothing better to do but sit in a corner behind a computer screen picking at people's jokes :L xx
Liked by: Meg☺️

awh:) it doesn't bother me in anyway tbh, I know it's bullshit:)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

good, too many cunt's these days:L xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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did u know ed sheeran takes it up the bum? therefore he IS gay;) thats the way uha uha i likeee ;)

did you that's bullshit:L ahahahaha FUCK OFF.

You made yourself look like a twat. Lying about sex, drugs & listening to such awful music. So no, you be quiet or I'll arrange for someone to hit you with a car. So you can shit and piss your pants, like last time. tehehe. dirty cretin.

MATE get it in your head, I WAS JOKING, and you're fucking hilarious bringing up my car accident, shame no one will praise you for how funny you are because you're on anon, oh well at least you know no one can do anything to you because you're hiding behind a screen, right hun? fucking great life you got, oh and next time you go bringing up events in conversations inform yourself on what actually happened, no one ever shit themselves and i had a fucking fit, have some fucking respect you cretin.

Sex? i swear you said you were a virgin. Drugs? Oh your so hardcore with your weed. Ed Sheeran? Are you gay? You cant dance to that. So. 1) loose your virginity then say you love sex 2) do cocain, then say your doing drugs. 3) Stop listening too that gay shit. Then you'll end up with a real gf.

i am a virgin, never done weed or any drugs in my life phahahahahahaha, and how fucking dare you say ed sheeran's music is gay, FUCK OF YOU CRETIN, I WAS JOKING PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
lucky you're on anon look like such a twat now :L

love you too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

just seen the shit some cunt's been asking you, don't listen to them, first of all their on anon and are scared to come off either 'cos their scared of you or that they know others will stick up for you, you're better than them, they don't even know what their talking about, your mums one of the nicest people i know, honestly, and she's so kind, these cunts dunno what their talking bout, don't let them bring you down, you better than them xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

they do don't even lieeee;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

im not, why would they mean anything, it's from people i don't know, never met and i have nothing to do with, yes it's nice but whenever you say it it means more because you mean more to me :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 Name? 2.Age? 3.Location? 4.Regrets/reasons? 5 Name/tag person u <3? 6.Name/tag person u hate? 7.Worst thing you ever done? 8.Bravest thing? 9.Secrets? 10.Sexuality? 11.Virgin? If no then number of times? 12.Most embarrassing moment? 13.Best mate name/tag? 14.Relationship name/tag? 15.Random Word?

1) full name is: Jose renato Dos Santos De Freitas Vasconcelos
2) 14
3) Crawley, West sussex, south-east England
4) some of my ex's and some other non im portant shit
5) http://ask.fm/ChloeLaurenRyan <3
6) http://ask.fm/JoseRenatoDosSantos (hate) jk dunno no one.
7) got hit by a car on a main road
8) really haven't got a clue
9) are to be kept secrets
10) straight
11)Virgin in da house ,what whores?
12) really don't know don't get embarrassed
13) http://ask.fm/jademcelderry
14) http://ask.fm/ChloeLaurenRyan <3
15) scrotum.

Full of yourself seriously;) you loooove these comments saying you look older haha:') you look about 16/17 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

im not, just wondering, i think it's pretty cool actually, and they don't mean anything unless they come from you ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well I'd rather that than "CHLOE FUCKING WAKE UP GET DRESSED AND CLEAN THE FRONT ROOM IT'S A STATE" and I'm like "the fuck I ain't been in the front room, I've been sleeping....?" "DONT YOU SWEAR AT ME." see ice sounds good:Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

guess so aha, listen serious question, how old do i look in my profile pic and background and stuff coos people keep saying i look 16,17,18,19,20 etc; i think i might need to get a fake i.d :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I went bed at four this morning and woke up at ten cause there was some fat screaming match between my little brother and my mum I screamed "oh my god just shut the fuck up" and went back to sleep:) I'm so tired mehhh:/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

same, at least you didn't get a cup of ICE COLD FUCKING FREEZING WATER ALL OVER YOU ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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