

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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Don't be just speak to chloe and explain that some people are snit stirring then everything will be fine fuck these fucking twats who go around trying to ruin everyones relationship! :)

can't, haven't got my phone, fucking brilliant, can you tell her who ever you are, pls, oh and i swear to god if i find out who ever told her that, when i see them their not gonna be left concious.

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What shall I say to her?<3

that it's bullshit and that i wouldn't do that to her because i love her and that i told you <3

Are you and chloe alright- just asking :)

don't fucking know, sorry to sound rude but some fucking cunt of a person decided it would be funny to go lie to her saying i dumped her.

Does Chloe know it was a 'joke'? You and Chloe are a good couple,don't let anyone ruin your relationship!<3

well she just said she doesn't know who to believe in and she said she's comming of ask fm so there isn't much more of a chance of me telling her i didn't say that, so fucking pissed of right now!<3

chloe thinks you dumped her,haha,you did though. knew it would last that longg.

i haven't actually, clearly just something that a little pratt thought would be funny to lie about. Prick.

Haha,aw<3 no, just shh,okay?;) You're opinion is invalid right now;) I'm sure lots of people agree with me! And aha, I'm really not:L but thanks baby, ehe:*<3

thanks but again it's debatable, and np your welcome :) <3

Shh you,it's isn't! You're gorgeous, end of.<3

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.,/’ ;,/;;;|’ : :|,/‘;;-~’ ¯¯¯ ;;;;;;;;;;’’\, ; ; ;;;;;;; ;,,, OBJECTION! i wont be shushed, not everyone agrees you know, infact i bet there ain't even that many who do agree, thanks though, much apreciated though, oh and you too. <3

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Liked by: Salema xx Dobby

Thankyou:') I'm 14 but sh. and 16!x

oh right, never thought i looked that old but everyone keeps saying it so maybe i do, and np hun x


Language: English