

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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dayyyyyymn you is fineeeee x x x x x x x x x x x

really temped to rip into your incorrect spelling and grammar, but im in a good mood and that was kinda nice. thanks anon xxxxxxxxx

What the fuck? Ashleys like my brother, one of my brothers friends, he used to be round my house every weekend, I didn't ever try and fucking get with him, I've only ever given him a hug when I see him because he's like family! Fucking dickheads need to come off anon and say it to my face, eurgh.

i know, thats why i told them to fuck of, because i knew it was all bullshit, love you xxx

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I know she was trying to get on it with Ashley bridle. When he had a girlfriend. Your so mouthy:L

okay let me get this straight to everyone who hasn't got the message yet;
if your gonna try tell me somink or convince me of something it's not gonna work if your on anon cos' it shows that your too afraid to show who you are, hinting that what your saying aint true,
also, even if she's done anything like that ( which i don't really believe cos' its comming from anon) it doesn't mean she like that now, people change and people deserve second chances.
also, i'm pretty sure i'm big enough to choose who i trust if i trust her i don't need people like you telling me not to
finally im not bieng mouthy im saying what i think ( notice how im not on any type of anon and i still have the balls to say what i think), i love chloe and theres not a lot that can change that.
Liked by: m o l l y

:O well that's cheeky, its not my fault I'm small-_- love you more than most baby xxxx

maybe thats why i said mostest ;) xxxxx

your girlfriend a cheating whore,she's cheated on pretty much all her boyfriends,even ask her,she's dirty,leave her,you deserve better.

actually she really hasn't, and you:
a kid hiding behind a screen thinking its funny to bullshit to people when they have no way of knowing who it is, go do something interesting with your life, please!
oh yeah and the answer no, im not gonna leave her.

Does it big you that your girlfriend flirts with other boys? /:

not really cos your probably just a little lifeless shit who thinks it funny to bullshit on ask fm behind a screen knowing no one knows who you are, otherwise you wouldn't do it, and i know she dont, she's not like that. im pretty sure i know her better than you.
Liked by: Hayley Millar

you are from portugal????? how old were you when you moved?

3-4, dunno exactly, probably one of the only good desisions i've ever made.

Dog, woof woof;) love you babyyy xxxx

shhhhh ;), at least i dont have to go on someones back to know what its like to be more than 5 foot ;) love you too (mostest) xxxx


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