

Ask @JoseRenatoDosSantos

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That's also why you'll be a far sight more of a failure than you think you're going to be. I'm going to leave now as I think I've expressed my opinion enough here. You'll probably reply with something sarcastic so i'll just leave you to it :)

me > you
my life > your life
my future > your future
none of that was sarcastic at all, it was all strictly accurate i promise you

You completely deter away from every part of the argument that you can't reply to. That's why you're winning this argument in your mind. I don't feel like i'm winning and clearly you're not either. It's just your over enflated ego is stopping you from getting your feelings hurt at all.

so basically you can't insult me or make me feel bad in any way because im cocky
simple then, i win, stop trying :\

You clearly think knowing people is going to get you through life. That is not the case you dumb fuck

shut the fuck up
i just went through how my grades are better than like 97% of people my age in England basically
and i know people who could get me good jobs, apprenticeships etc;
plus i have a number of careers that I've been told i could go into
i could go into music, and music producing, or modelling, or architecture, or anything related to history, or a teacher, or anything related to desing and technology or arts,
and you're trying to call me a dumb fuck
my life is probably going to be about 3987269736 times better than yours
i think i win mate.

The fact that you know people who do architecture doesn't mean you'll get into uni for free hahaha

search up what an apprenticeship is you fucking down witted shit excuse for a human
while you're at it, stop breathing for me too, I'd appreciate it a lot :) x
Liked by: Elgasam Emily

As a side note. I'm on anonymous.... How you're going to know which person to go to when I 'work in Mcdonalds' is beyond me. It looks like the word 'stupid' doesn't cut it! Have a nice day :)

im done, so done
I am off to commit suicide, i can not cope with people stupidity...
Liked by: Ciera Little✨

Good grades won't stop your first job being shit. Most employers look for experience over grades in some aspects. You're going to take rejection from jobs really hard if you're really as 'Self confident' as you make yourself out to be. Although I highly suspect it's just an internet persona going on

no i genuinely don't give a fuck about anything you think of me
in my frame of mind you have no valid insults
you can't insult me on my appearance because get so many complements that it just doesn't mean anything
you can't call me stupid because I'm actually doing amazing at school in top set for everything
you can't say i have a bad personality because you don't actually know me personally, or even talk to me, (btw it's in to word... PERSONALitY... PERSONALY)
and tbh there just isn't anything you can insult me on, I'm not perfect, never said i was, but in my point of view i have a lot more going for me now and in my future than idiots like you do
have fun serving me at mCdonalds
ps. im planning on going to uni for architecture and i can quite easily get and apprenticeship for it because i know a lot of people who do it, so i wont have to pay for Uni, I'll be working and studying and getting paid all at the same time while you're sitting thre with your 'perfect personality'.

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stupid. You've turned the eye of the argument to me in order to stop the insults being pointed directly at you.

just go, just go
Liked by: fml Ciera Little✨

Well when the majority of first time jobs are things like 'cashier, stacking shelves/helping customers, some kind of phone call stuff ya know?' Yeah personality is obviously going to matter there! Those grades won't deter you from those kinds of jobs. Trust me. You've just proved my point of being

tbh I'm going to get a better job than that
you can go off and work in Mcdoanlds if you want, I'll go and do my thing working were i want to because my grades are good enough for it
but I'll make sure i come to you when im buying myself Maccies
Liked by: bitch 2 xo

Stupid as in looking into yourself. You clearly see yourself as this incredible being, to a point that you have to fake modesty. Well done on those grades, shame you'll be hard pressed to find work with a personality like that. Oh yeah. Tried*

oh yeah sorry, forgot employers care fuck loads about personality when looking or an employee
im sure they'll choose your 'perfect personality' over my grades x
Liked by: nicole-marie Em


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