
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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For your height it would be, at a push 5 and a half.

I wasn't as tall as I am now when I was in high school :') in high school I was one of the shortlist people there

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Well it's none of their business faggots also to that person it is possible to weight 4 and a half stone I weighed 5 and a half stone in year 9 fuck off and leave josh alone ty

Thank you!

The lowest weight you could've physically been without needing life support would be 6 stone 2

No it's not ahahaha xD

That's physically impossible, your bones and organs alone weigh more than that. Stop lying for attention josh, it's disgusting

I'm not :') I honestly weighed about 4 and a half stone in year 9 and start if year 10 ahaha only then did I start to gain weight, everyone use to pick me up all the time because of how light I was
Liked by: L0st.

Josh I was in school with you.. You never suffered from anorexia

I weighed 4 and a half stone when I was in year 10.. I really did, no one knew about it

What's with all the hate that everyone's giving you, well I think you're a lovely gorgeous person so fk the shit stirrers

Because me and Morgan broke up people don't like the fact they can't cause shot between us anymore so they make shit up aha but yeah thanks sweetie c:
Liked by: L0st.

She did because of last Halloween, and you posted on twitter and I told her. She doesn't have a new boyfriend

Ohhhhhhh so you're the person who stalks me on Twitter and causes shit between me and Morgan because you can't stay out of any business that's not yours! Right I see, get a Fucking life asshole and leave me the Fuck alone

Your nose ended up rubbing my clit when you went down on me last year and it was strange hehe

Who is this ._.

She knew who you were talking about though and she really hadnt, you were fucking two other people an she was cuddling someone. Hardly on the same scale. And you admit that you've gone out your way to hurt her with lies, how lovely of you

She doesn't though, she has no idea who I like and she won't ever know, she has a new boyfriend so why the Fuck is it so bad of me to be moving on?

Why did you get a septum piercing? Jews don't suit them Joshy ;)

Wow big nose joke, not heard one of them in a while

That she knew the person you were getting into and then you posted on twitter 'I didn't shag her in October so I can shag her now' or something along those lines

They use to hang round in Southport with her mates so I assumed she knew her but she doesn't ahaha and as for that tweet. That was aimed to hurt her because she moved on rather fast nothing more

You are I've got the posts hahaha

I'm really not :') I've not once said I'm going to shag her because I'm not

Millie doesn't like that you're posting stuff about shagging her on twitter

I've not said anything about that on Twitter :') only that I have plans with her ahahaha get your facts straight

You cheated on and lied to her constantly josh, you're fucking sick

No I didn't though :') I wish people would stop taking her side, if you knew half she shit she's done to me Omfg

You didn't josh everybody knows its a lie

I did though, I don't really want to talk about that not exactly a happy point in my life :)

She did that because she couldn't trust you, she never tried to hurt you whilst you were together. You don't know the half of what was going on, I did because she told me

Well she's more of a bitch than I thought then if she wasn't ever honest with me

Again, why did you lie about having cancer? Obviously avoided the question hahaha

I didn't though, the dead tumour on my lung is evidence of that :)


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