
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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You haven't been together 2 months you've been broken up for ages and you were with Sophie and still shagging Morgan through that relationship

I said all together its been 2 months and I was with sophie for 3 days so I wouldn't really call it a relationship tbh and I wasn't even talking to Morgan much during that time, let alone sleeping with her and we were broken up for about 2 weeks not ages

Don't say you love her when it's not true. You're 17 and you've been together a week. Shut up. Me and morgan likes eachother 9 months ago and have been in love for most of that but didnt tell eachother and have been together for a total of 2 weeks so you shut up. about 1 hour ago That says weeks

Well I was ment to say months

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Ooh 2 weeks, big fucking deal. Get your head out of your arse. It's pathetic the way you treat her. She deserves so much better than you.v you have no idea how lucky you are.

I said 2 months, learn to read. And i treat her bad? Okay ask her how I treat her then :)

Everyone knows your using her for sex. It's unfair that you're only with her coz she's as horny as you are most of the time so you can get away with it when she could be with somebody who geniunely cares about her.

I'm sorry but I didn't wait for her for 7 months just to have sex with her.. so shut up and stop being jealous trying to start Shit you can't finish so drop it before I make you wish you never came on here. I wouldnt wait 7 months to have sex with somone then stay with them for 2 months would i? Nahh because you dont know me and clearly don't care about Morgan because she is happy with me and you are trying to hurt her by saying all this shit, this Shit really gets her down so your only hurting her here not me, you just amuse me with you're pathetic acusations
Liked by: Yoizzyz Pepzi

Don't say you love her when it's not true. You're 17 and you've been together a week. Shut up.

Me and morgan likes eachother 9 months ago and have been in love for most of that but didnt tell eachother and have been together for a total of 2 weeks so you shut up.

You wouldn't give a fuck if lads were all over her aslong as she was still shagging you.

Ask her how jealous I get. I Fucking love her and just because me and Morgan enjoy sex don't mean we are using eachother so drop it. And if you or anyobe else makes a move on her I will personaly end you :)

Funny that you say that, but you really wouldn't.

But I really will, if anyone is all over her that have no respect for her because of the fact she is with me plus she would tell you to fuck off too

Shame. She seems like she'd be fun. But really now, what would you do about it if some lad did start being all over her?

I would Fucking end them

If your lover was magically transformed into an animal. And the only way to bring them back was to mate with them. Which animal would give you the least psychological damage?


Nothing, don't have a problem with it. Your a lucky lad to get a girl who likes that kinda stuff and is attractive though, lots of lads would kill to hve a ride on her

well them lads can fuck off because she is mine.

Can anons stay the fuck out of our relationship, once again. If we want to try it again then it's our choice, were happy together and it's not someone else's place to say whether it's going to work out or not. So fuck off :)


Why did you get back with Morgan its obviously not going to work out

stay out of it then, why is it that people always give me shit when I get with someone? never happens when i'm single

Cheating on Morgan already, that's nice.

you got proof of that? no. because I've spent near enough every single day with her c: so go fuck yourself with a spoon plssss


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