
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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have you seen what's been said on it? about abbey planning on sleeping with Nicole?

Okay that is quite hilarious :") but still, I want nothing to do with her so can you just not please? I really just want to forget she existed but I can't do that with all you fuck heads bringing shit back up

What's the craziest thing you've done for someone you love?

hmm.. one time a cupple weeks into my relationship with morgan, her and her mum had a massive fight and she didn't want to stay there anymore so I grabbed shit tons of gear and ran to make the last bus to Ormskirk, met her at the train station and took her away from the world for the night, to this day that is one of the best nights I've spent with someone c:

whats funny? finally realised how ugly she is?

No its just funny to see how much you care about my sex life :") it's my private business and who I find attractive is none of your concern.

But your coming across as though your talking to/flirting with a dozen girls just because your "single"

No I'm not I'm saying that I could do that but I'm not

Does the girl you're sleeping with know that you're "speaking to whoever you want"?

just because I can do something doesn't mean I am doing it

So you're now using someone else for your sexual pleasure..?

No? when did I say that or anything about that? I'm single, aren't I allowed to speak to whoever I want?

But why did you sleep with someone else so soon after the breakup?

Because I wanted too? my feeling towards my past relationship where gone so I moved on

How did you move on so quickly?

Because when you're not in love with someone it's very easy to forget about them completely

didn't even kiss anyone then?

I briefly remember a girl dancing with me and trying to kiss me, not much else I'm afraid

did you get laid last night? ;)

nopee, didn't do nothing with no one, I got flirted with loads but nothing else, I don't need sex to have a good time at a party

did you try and make abbey hate you on purpose?

every word I said to her I ment.
but seriously. yes I did say hateful things to get her the hell out my life and get her to move on asap so I didn't feel bad about moving on after like.. 2 days xD
but this is the last question I'm answering about that cunt. she's out my life and I want it to stay that way thank you, so If you all don't mind I'd appreciate it if you could not ask me about her anymore.

do you have a thing for fat girls?

weird question.. but no I don't, I'm more attracted to slim girls tbh, so glad I don't have to lie about the kind of girl I'm into anymore tbh :")

anything interesting happen at the party then??

Well.. I got horribly drunk and stoned, had 3 girls hanging round me all fucking night, spent most of it chatting to some old friends, chatting to many new ones and since everyone there shared my view we all had a full on bitching session about you know who xD it was class man

What would you do if an elephant were charging at you?

shoot it in the face. I've only just woke up and have no time for a charging elephant


Language: English