
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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It wasnt me..... Someone was being murdered or something idk

so there was someone in the tent getting murdered? well that's one way to put it ;D

Pfft I'm not loud what are you talking about :')

HA. try telling the population or ormskirk that ;p

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you seriously said her name while having sex with sophie!? pahahaha was she really that shit?

well.. she wasn't shit just really really boring like she just lay there like she was dead so I tried to imagine I was doing it with someone else xD

Who's name did you say with who?

I quietly said morgans name while having sex with Sophie bitchford but she did here me so it's all good haha

If you could be doing anything right now what would it be?

sitting in a bar having a beer with Corey Taylor

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

my girlfriend and an unlimited amount of condoms

Who else have you seen? What year did you go download?

I've seen slipknot, rise to remain, heaven shall burn, stone sour, BVB, chiodos, tonight alive, preston reed, asking Alexandria (and everyone who was suppurting them, I don't remember I was too stoned), fierless vampire killers and four year strong.. even though I didn't know who they were at the time

Mate she's 15, should be careful what you're saying on here about sex with her, sure she doesn't want to be getting a bad reputation for herself

sorry 'mate' but who gives a fuck? if people wanna hate on her for having sex then they need to fuck off and stay out of our fucking relationship
Liked by: Angel Wright

You're obviously going to say her even if she was shit though, she's your girlfriend

but the whole point is she's not shit.. at all. if she was I would tell her, I'm that kind of person that if they ask are they good then I will be honest


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