
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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Why do you not come to wigan anymore? I miss you:(

Because Sarah turned everyone against me with her lies

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Well you just ignore the cunts. Bitches be jealous and all. Ohohohohoh. I hope the modelling thing works out too. You got a sexual face.;D

Aww thank youu ^.^ and sexual face?;') okay.. haha

You're just not though. You're just beautiful. And SO FUCKING LOVELY. How can anyone say a bad word against you?

Because people are bitchy and believe the wrong people haha but I'm still not perfect haha

I fangirled all day. But I do have a question. Y U SO PERF?

Aww dats so cute c: proper made me smile:3 but I'm not perf

Doubt Sophie Pitchford is defending you. She hates you. She'd come off anon if she was, attention whore

I don't want her to defend me, she almost sent my mum and step dad to prison and almost send me and my brother to a foster home so I don't want attention I want her to drop dead and i want people to see how much of a slut she is


You're defending me?.. why? And I've never lied to you and you know that but you were more of a twat to me than I was to you, i was only a twat to you after we broke up

Would you ever shag Shauna Mather? If that's a yes, you need serious help. She'd probably eat your fucking knob off with that mouth and teeth. EW.

I don't even know her that well.. I won't judge her when I don't know her

Okii, okii, okii, so I was gonna ask you a question but then I got all distracted by how perfect you are and now I'm just gonna sit and fangirl over you.^-^

Nawww that's dead cute ^.^ come off anon?

Josh is my ex, he can be a massive cunt at times. And lie a little, but he's not a cheat, Kay?:')

Thank you?... Dana...?

right tell me why u fucking cheated on sarah shes like a really good friend with me she told me about u fucking saying u told her ur ex commited suisided and killed her self but sarah went on the persons profile and she posted saying somthing about being out with friends ...ffs man

I didn't fucking cheat on her! She ment a fucking hell of a lot to me before she broke up with me. And she went on jades profile did she?:') that's funny when her profile was deleted last august hahahaha :') and she calls me a lier.. wow who's the lier now xD LOL.

No, you were going to cheat on someone for me, I was single

Um.. no i believe I didn't now fuck off, trying to give me a bad name, theres no need for this shit you tiny little people.

No, we were going to

So we were going to sleep together, you cheated on somone with me and all this happened in febuary?


Language: English