
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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So I can kill them;) jk,what exact age?

Why do you want to kill them? ;-; it don't matter.. distance, parents, money and a job has stopped us going anywere so we have decided to try and get over eachother

you like a different person every week you

1: I've lines one person for a month 2: I've never told anyone who it is so how would you know that little miss keyboard warrior c:

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Who who say pls,or how old,and what do they look like?

God why do you want to know so bad?:') there between the age of 0....... And 100

I must say that you have a really weird taste in girls

Not really, I don't go on looks tbh I just go for any girl I think I will he happy with c:

No it's just my life in general its shit and all i get is abuse at school. Im fed up! Im going to doctors to see if i do have depression and the guy I like is taking me

Everyone gets Shit at school, everyone gets down, everyone wants somone they can't have and everyone has to get on with it

Im just getting really depressed and my friends have noticed at school that im becoming moody and snappy. IM FED UP! I just dont really see the point in me living. I really want to go out with this guy at school who is one of my friends, hes in a higher year than me and he probas doesnt even like me

So you don't see the point in living because a guy MIGHT not like you? :l

Rate;90. &1) if you had to describe yourself as a meal, what would it be&why? 2) If you could live the day of your hero, who would it be &why?

Shannon, wby?
Aww thanks:3 and hmm chicken. Because chicken is good? And Omg Corey Taylor because I would be sexy then.

Like what do you look for in a girl?

I look for how good I think they will treat me and just that personality and wanting of a relationship that's not based around sex but around cuddles and films and stuff:3 I just look for if there a nice person or not

Describe the looks of what would be a perfect girl in your eyes?

Just the looks? Well brown eyes, slim, abit shorter than me, black/dark hair, maybe blonde, piersings are a huge turn on. Long styles hair with one or two little tattoos maybe and strechers too


Language: English