
Josh Matthews

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That's a lie!:3 you've always been perfect to me, since the moment I first saw you:} you are my entire world<3<3<3<3

How are you so perfect! Omg I've not been this happy with somone in years c: <3<3<3<3

Oh hello gorgeous:3 I can see all those answer stuffs on my homepage and you're the cutest guy ever! You're perfect to me and you know I will always be here for you. You're mine so like,yeah:3 mine!:3 stop being so perfect though,pshhhh:3<3<3<3<3

Jamiie Ormesher
:3 I'm so glad I'm with you! You mean so much to me baba ^.^ an Nahh I can't stop being perfect because I never started :3 <3<3<3<3

I'm not into that type of music:[ i like Nicki Minaj and things in that music genre:] What would you like to do today if you could do anything? Bare in mind it is snowy and cold

I hate that music so much xD an I went out today and had a snowball fight with the lads if that counts?

I don't like The Lord of the rings, if you could do anything right now... What would it be?:]

Omfg D: its boss! An I would be getting married to Corey Taylor. (Singer for slipknot) xD

What are your thoughts right now? :]

My thoughts?
Well right now I'm thinking about the lord of the rings ;D cos I can.

Explain what the best thing of 2013 has been so far!:]

Getting asked out by the most gorgeous girl I know c: getting with Jamie has been the best thing so far

If you could be anywhere in the world with one person, who and where would it be

America, with my beautiful girlfriend

Jamie likes banana milshake and likes to watch Destery on YouTube, she likes lord of the rings and final destination. She also likes being cuddles from behind and getting kissed on the forehead and unexpected hugs and things like that. She also thinks kissing in the rain is sweet. Keep her happy

I allready knew all this cos I live the same things she does..

WHEN YOU SMILE, YEAH IT MAKES ME SMILE Thought id send some lilly allen lyrics, their not even right but HAPPY DAYS, right?:D

Awh thats sweet c: who is this?

What do you think of your girlfriend? detail it

Effort ._. Words can't even discribe how sweet she is to me and how much she makes me smile, I've not been with anyone who is this sweet and kind to me in years so yeah..


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