
Josh Matthews

Ask @JoshMatthews715

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Different person. Josh just stop or I will tell morgan everything you've lied to her about. I mean everything.

what? i'm so confused right now D: I don't lie to morgan :') why don't you give all this shit to laura instead? because odd's are she will actually give a shit :')

Everyones searched for her and can't find any, we all know what your doin

love the way you make it sound like there is a research team stalking laura :') ask her for all her accounts and stalk her then but I really don't want to talk about her anymore

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Difference is everyone knows morgan and has met her but nobody knows Laura and she has no accounts or friends or stuff

what? she has loads of accounts :L I think.. I've blocked her on everything so I don't really know

Delete the Laura account or I will tell morgan that it's you faking another person

what? :') what is it with people on ask saying the people I know aren't real? xD first morgan isn't real not laura isn't :'} da fuq? proper amusing me

that laura girl needs to sort her life out, get a job n get on with ye life, love ain't anythin when you're hunting for it, forget about it. Occupy yourself or somethin, but leave josh n morgan alone, if some lad was doing that to me i wouldn't even think twice about givin him a smack or 20.

Röxy Starwood
aha :')

okay I have been reading all these ask.fm messages laura omg tbh your doing my head in just reading these .. why wont you just let morgan and josh be happy your making josh feel bad and for god sake he has a girlfriend an I would be pretty pissed off with you if I was morgan just let them be happy x

thankyouu x
Liked by: Angel Wright

Still says your single on here. Maybe you wouldn't get creepy desperate girls like this talking to you if you said you were happly taken xoxo


Laura I am sure you are a nice girl but you are just coming off as desperate and its not nice to go on at josh to split up with his girlfriend on here. I am sure you would find a nice guy if you looked instead of chasing after Josh who is clearly taken and happy. And Josh isn't that great anyways :P

tis okay you're not that great ether :)

Laura I'm sure you're a lovely girl but me and Josh have wanted this relationship for a year now. We're finally with eachother and happy and that's the way it's going to stay. Can you please just accept that an move on??



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