
Mizu Tezuma

Ask @KajiWolf

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Sorry… *seems he really doesn't want to be caught*

Louis Yamato
*she's tackled the men and reduced them to 2 year-olds* *stands up, one in each arm* Alright! Is that all?
I wonder if I'll get a free lollipop if I take 'em to the orphanage...

Okay… *uses a simple icy ground spell only where they stand, which disappears when they fall*

Louis Yamato
*rolls eyes* I /meant/ let them come in to the room! *she gets up, opens her bedroom door, rushes at the men*

They'll think of it as magic. How can I help?

Louis Yamato
Get on the other side of the room. Do... Magic stuff. Distract them while I get them from behind.
I really doubt their magic-detector-thingies would classify me as magic. Otherwise I'd get this all the time.

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Yeah… they can sense my magic potential… this is bad, cuz my old teacher told me I had the potential to become Arch Mage, the best mage alive, the one in charge of the others.

Louis Yamato
*shrugs* *whispers* I wouldn't know. What I do... Well, it's not really considered "Magic".
*she turns to you silently* Ever heard of something called the "Fountain of Youth"? Well, think of that.
But as a person. *puts ear against the wall* They're coming. I think I can stop them, but I need to make physical contact!
Liked by: Rick Grimes

*the thugs break down the door, saying they sensed magic users here*

Louis Yamato
*Mizu hears her front door get knocked down* Oh, come on... *she wipes her tears away* I think they're after you, more than me.

*finishes cleaning* ((I had a tendency to forget homework for classes while I was in high school cuz of it. Still passed and, even with D's in my social studies classes and a few C's, but mostly A's and B's, graduated in the top 25 of my class.))

Louis Yamato
((I always get A's on tests, but I rarely did homework.)) *crying softly. She doesn't seem to be good with sudden scares*

((Sorry. Short track mind, thought I didn't send it.)) *gets a broom and dustpan and cleans it up*

Louis Yamato
((I have that issue too, sometimes.)) *oh look, she's hiding under her bed... wait. Crib?*

!!! *runs in there*

Louis Yamato
*she's standing in the corner of her room, freaking out a little bit* *her ceiling fan fell and crashed in the middle of the room* *she's not wearing shoes, so she can't get across the broken glass* *oh, and shes freaking out*

*runs in there*

Louis Yamato
*she's standing in the corner of her room, freaking out a little bit* *her ceiling fan fell and crashed in the middle of the room* *she's not wearing shoes, so she can't get across the broken glass* *oh, and shes freaking out*

Um… my clothes are kids clothes…

Louis Yamato
Oh, that. Right. Sorry. That happens.
I'll buy you new ones later.
In the meantime, just don't check your underwear.
*she dashes off to her room*

*heads in*

Louis Yamato
*it's very... pink inside. Light pink, light (nearly neon) blue, and white*
*everything looks pretty soft, too* Ta-da! *she touches your shoulder and WOAH. You're suddenly back to normal age* ... **what happened to your outfit?**

*some of the others talk about finding kids with magic potential to sell*

Louis Yamato
*whispers to you* C'mon. We gotta go. I'll keep 'em distracted. *starts backing slowly into a nearby bush*

*the thugs walk into the area with magic detectors and anti-magic guns; seems this group goes for "kill" rather than "control"*

Louis Yamato
*Mizu darts her eyes to the men* *a small, nearly unnoticeable pink wave flows through the air, stopping after reaching their heads* *their expressions seem to dull and stupefy*

No, but some people think mages need to either be controlled under guard, or killed.

Louis Yamato
Eep! *covers her mouth like a child in fear* W-we gotta hide! H-here! Grab my hand! *holds out her arm*


Language: English