
Mizu Tezuma

Ask @KajiWolf

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*He follows closely behind her, not wanting to be parted from her for even a moment*

Jakkan Anbou
*and they arrive in the park. There are kids everywhere. Most in really cheap costumes.*

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…Whatevew. You awe way too into dis, Mizu. *Frowns, walking towards the park*

Jakkan Anbou
I'm jus bein' safe abboud'it! *follows him. He knows this area better than she does*

…You'we evil…Oooow…I can't bewieve you wood do dis to me!

Jakkan Anbou
*she reaches in to her pocket and pulls out... nothing. Well, there's a white-pink powder on her finger* Not just t' you, dumbutt. I say grow'd up stuff too sometimes. *she spreads it on her lips like lip balm* After a bit it numbs yer mouf an' reduces vocab-u-lar-y. *she has a hard time saying the last bit*
Secwet of dah Fountain. *wink*

…What happened? *Multiple blinking*

Jakkan Anbou
*His mouth IS numb! That wasn't sugar Mizu put on his pacifier, now was it?* So you noticed? Can't risk you sayin' growd up words while we're out. It'll wear off by bedtime! Don't worry!
*Jakkan's lips and tongue are half-numbed. Enough so he can still talk and such, but his words are slurred somewhat*

*He's practicing the way he's going to say trick-or-treat*

Jakkan Anbou
*It seems that his paci has left his mouth a little numb. No matter how hard he tries, the best he can say is "twick-oh-tweat!"*

…I was thinking more along the lines of maybe they thought I was my son or something.

Jakkan Anbou
Psh- doubt it. *dismissive wave* Hey, how's your math holding up? And spelling? I noticed you couldn't tell what floor we were on...

*Nods* I wonder what they would've said if they actually studied my face…

Jakkan Anbou
That you're a chubby lil stinker who can't possibly be Jakkan cuz people don't get youngerer?
Probably that.

*Shys away from the people, squishing himself closer to Mizu*

Jakkan Anbou
*pats him on the back reassuringly* and... we're... here. *the doors open and the people clear out* You alright, buddy?

*His face has turned completely red. He's so embarrassed, he accidentally breaks his lollipop*…*Tearing up*

Jakkan Anbou
*she gasps and hurriedly reaches in to his pocket and put his pacifier in his mouth* *she seems to have brushed it lightly with sugar earlier, just in case he still wanted the sweetness from the lollipop*

*Is too busy falling in love with his lollipop to care*

Jakkan Anbou
*the elevator has a bunch of people in costumes in it, gushing over the professionally-outfitted babies*
*a good majority of the people are actually people he knows*

*Places the wrapper in his pocket* Okay then. Let's go there, then. *Nom*

Jakkan Anbou
*watches as his eyes glaze over slightly* *Yeah. He loves lollipops*
*grabs his hands and leads him to the elevator*

*Hesitantly takes it* Well, thank you. *Locks the door to the house* Where do we start?

Jakkan Anbou
Well, like I said. There's a children's costume party at the park. You don't go trick-or-treating until after dark.
*watches as he unwraps the lollipop*

Shut it. I know where you hide your 3DS. I can do things. And I have my paci in my pocket. I'm only going to pull it out when I start getting nervous. *Grabs his keys* These people better have lollipops.

Jakkan Anbou
I-I can change where I hide it!
*she shakes her head* They'll have a bunch of candy. *she finishes hanging decorations and a "Out for the night" sign on the door* Ready?
*snickers* Baby's first Halloween~ We should make postcards~

*Pinches her cheek* I'm not a baby! Jeez. *Huffs* Now, how does this work exactly? Do we bring things to trade in exchange for candy?

Jakkan Anbou
*she shakes her head* Nope! Just go to the door, ring the doorbell, yell "Trick or treat!" and hold out a pillowcase for them to put the candy in.
And you totally are a baby. Your diaper is visible through your pants.
SUCH a baby.
*she tilts her head* How come you don't have your paci in yet? Trying t' break the habit?

*Even the super fancy apartment is festive. Jakkan comes out a little later dressed in the costume on his page*…This isn't that bad, actually.

Jakkan Anbou
You like it? If the other baby I'm seen with is wearing a good costume, it'll make it more convincing that I'm just in a really good costume, too!
*totally just called him a baby all nonchalant-like*
Liked by: Jakkan Anbou

*Grumbles, heading over to the changing table*

Jakkan Anbou
Don't put it in til after you're done changing! I don't want you to forget how, again!
*Mizu runs out of the front door and in to the hallway, Halloween decorations in tow*

…I hate this. *That always means yes*

Jakkan Anbou
*she giggles a little* Oh, come on. You're a cute lil stinker and you know it! Just GO with it. *she hands him the pacifier he left by the couch* C'mon. This'll help you have fun. Like always.

Mm…alright. *Blinks at her* Are you just going in your regular clothes, saying you're a dragon?

Jakkan Anbou
Yup! Not lying that way.
I hear there's gonna be a party in the park soon. You should hurry up!
Need a change? *she pats his butt lightly*

……You're kidding, right? *Holds up the Mickey Mouse costume*….I guess it must be lonely for you to be here all day by yourself.…

Jakkan Anbou
*she smiles and nods* Oh, unbearably lonely! That's why I have to keep myself busy! Mind of a human, life of a pet. Y'know?
*her voice shakes a little at the "Y'know?". She really doesn't like it very much*
*she clears her throat* A-anyway! Halloween! Try on the costume! I made it myself!


Language: English