
Khaled Ahmed Ghozzy

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اكتر حاجة بتبسطك في الكلية ؟

كل حاجة بتحصل بعيدا عن المحاضرات أكيد بتبسطنى ^_^
بشوف اصحابى و بنضحك و نهزر و بنلعب ^^
انى اشوف الروح التعاونيه الحلوه بيننا و بين بعض ده بيبسطنى ^^
حاجات كتير بتبسطنى .. و ده يخلينى مهتمش باللى مش بيبسطنى ^_^
الإيفينتس اللى بتعملها الأسر ف الكليه بستمتع بيها ^^

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Why do you think looks matter? P.S.: Don't tell me they don't matter because looks matter even if we refuse to admit so.

Looks give impressions, and impressions are important. For example, someone stops caring about their look, stops showering, stops combing their hair, stops brushing their teeth and, as a result of all of these, their look becomes miserable, would that someone be accepted by people? Looks are important in my opinion.

For us as "Dentists" .. what is the importance of Arabic language in our futuristic career ?? ( If there is )

Hossam Magdy
Well, the patients are not going to talk to you in English, they will use various strange, but common, expressions to describe their pain to you. Other than that, I think that Arabic language is useless in our career. Post graduate, the scientific researches, new techniques and technologies and scientific conferences are all in English.

تفتكرو اجيب ايه هدية لعيد الام !!!

انا و اخواتى اتفقنا ع هدية نجيبها ل ماما احنا عارفين انها نفسها فيها ... حضرتك ممكن تفكر/ى ف حاجة تكون الوالدة نفسها فيها اوى و تجيبوهالها .. ولو صعب .. يبقى مفيش اجمل من وردة .. مهما كانت الهدية بسيطة .. اكيد الأم هتفرح بيها و تقدرها .. فرحوا قلبها و لو بوردة

"Your body immediately releases endorphins when you smile, even when you force it. This sudden change in mood will help you feel better and release stress." - Has anything/anyone made you smile today? If not, I hope this does! Have a lovely day/evening!

That's such a nice piece of information that explains my constant feel of joy ^_^ Actually, I am always smiling :D That's a trait that I am famous for :D I'd really like the smiles to spread like an infection; a wonderful infection. Smile my friends, smile because you deserve happiness and joy ^_^ Thank you, Respírame.

لو مراتك بتحب دراستها وشغلها هتساندها في ده ولا هتفرض عليها متشتغلش ؟

محبش ابدا افرض عليها حاجة .. بالعكس .. انا اشجعها و اتمنى تبقى ناجحة عشان تبقى قدوة لولادنا .. هى لو من نفسها شافت انها مقصرة ف حق البيت او ولادنا بسبب الشغل ف انا متأكد انها هتسيبه من نفسها .. اما لو كان شغلها مش بيأثر على البيت و ولادنا .. يبقى انا لو مشجعتهاش عليه ابقى أنانى

بتشوف الفرحة ف عيون والدتگ امتي ^^

لما بتطلب منى حاجة .. لأنى عمرى ما بقولها لأ .. ف تبقى مبسوطة أوى ب كلمة حاضر ..
و لما بنجيبلها هدية انا و اخواتى ف عيد الأم .. و لما بنعملها عيد ميلاد .. و لما تحصل حاجة حلوة لحد فينا بنشوف الفرحة ف عنيها أكبر من الفرحة ف عنينا .
ربنا يخلى أمى و كل أم ^^

"Good decisions come from experience and experience comes from bad decisions." - Tell me about the last decision you made. How easy was it to make? and how easy is it to keep? Did this decision affect you/your life in a positive way? (Many Qs I know, just want to know all about it. lol)

The last major decision I had to make in my life was to choose between the faculty of law and the faculty of dentistry. It was not an easy decision at all. I have chosen the faculty of dentistry after thinking carefully. I am now satisfied with my decision. The effect of my decision on my life has not been clear yet. However, I have a strong feeling that it will be a positive effect _ In Shaa' Allah_ . The difficult thing about that decision was that I had to choose between two things that I actually want, but can't have both.

دعواتكو ليا بجد محتاجه حد يدعيلي انا قربت استسلم واسيب الدنيا ادعولي بجد م قلبكو .. زميله ليكو

زميله او زميل او حتى لو مفيش اى حاجة تربطنا ببعض .. ربنا معاكى و اوعى تستسلمى و مهما كان السبب و قربى من ربنا اكيد همك ينزاح .. ربنا يفك كربك و يعينك و يقويكى ^^


Language: English