

Ask @Kp9377

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So your saying you have peladophobia???

I see SOMEONE has done their research! I don't know what that means or I probably would've used it in the first place.

It's perfectly rational...it's not like the fear of bald ppl or trees or anything like that

Haha! That's true...I mean who would be scared of bald people?...HA...haha...ha...he...o.O
Liked by: Brady keesee

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Worst fear?

Hmm...this is odd, but throwing up scares me quite a bit. If I do or if other people do. It just makes me want to pass out. Just because I'm a VERY odd person!
Liked by: Brady keesee

you're an interesting person, you just have a boring room XD

Awwwww! Thank you! Haha! My room isn't that bad! I just wasn't in my room when I answered the question.

What's the most interesting object in your room?

I don't know! I'm not a very interesting person...

What is your worst present or past medical affliction?

I feel very stupid because I don't know what affliction means, but by using context clues I'm going to say: Once I fell and hurt my arm. It was really late and my mom saw something sticking out, so she thought it was broken, so we went to the ER and had to stay there all night before we realized it wasn't broken...It was awful xD Gosh I hope I got the meaning of "affliction" right xD
Liked by: Brady keesee

What question do you hate to answer?

A lot of questions, but I changed my username a couple days ago! Just to let people know.

You don't have to b cautious on a bucks list! I am terrified of heights, yet I want to skydive from the highest possible point for a civilian!

Wow! I'd probably have a heart attack! XD I think I'd rather not, though, because then I'd be upset for not accomplishing things on there! If I don't make one I won't have to worry about fulfilling it. :P
Liked by: Brady keesee

What's your idea of a perfect date on your perfect day?

Haha! Honestly...I think it would be so much fun just to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie or play video games. XD
Liked by: Brady keesee

Cheesecake or ice cream? >:D

GAH! That's hard!!! Why would you torture me? Hmmm...considering I can get 2 for 1 with ice cream and get cheesecake ice cream, I choose ice cream.
Liked by: Brady keesee


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