
Christian Lancelot

Ask @LansleyBoi

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Dam hot ngl
she is a tramp though
Tank at cricket (she should teach me)
is awesomeeee
So funny:'D
Besties 4 life xxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Batista

I think I got the wrong way round

Do you Scrunch or Fold?
A site dedicated to the debate about how people wipe their bottoms!

Andrex Scrunch or Fold
It is great to see that Andrex is joining in the great scrunch or fold debate in their latest advertising campaign.
Of course, I very much approve! However, it would have been nice if they had gone into the pros and cons of each method and how to do each way properly? But then, I guess, it would not fit with their family brand.
February 3, 201329 Replies
Toilet Roll Position – Over or Under?
Have you wondered or argued about which is the correct of best position for the toilet roll on a toilet roll holder for dispensing toilet roll? Should it be positioned so the roll is pulled over or pulled under? Here is the answer or proof you need.
September 24, 20122 Replies
Gary Lineker Doesn’t Scrunch or Fold!
I was shocked to discover an amazing revelation about former England Footballer and now BBC TV Presenter Gary Lineker. During the opening England game of the 1990 World Cup against the Republic of Ireland, Gary Lineker had a poo on the pitch during the middle of the game and had no facilities to scrunch or fold, but had to drag his bottom on the grass and use his hands!
April 5, 2012Leave a reply
Cooking with Poo
That’s right, there is a cook book out there with lots of recipes for cooking with poo. However, don’t be alarmed, ‘Cooking with Poo’ is written by Bangkok chef Saiyuud Diwong whose nickname is Poo – which is Thai for “crab”. It has won this year’s Diagram Prize for oddest book title of the year.
Poo runs a cookery school for locals and tourists in the city’s largest slum, alongside the charitable organisation that published the book. Anji Barker, a senior social worker at the charity Urban Neighbours of Hope said, ”Poo has sold 6,000 books and her classes are fully booked out. She is not just helping to raise her own family out of poverty, but is employing 20 other poor slum residents.”
To find out more, please visit the Cooking with Poo website.
April 3, 20121 Reply
The One Wipe Wonder?
Regardless of whether you scrunch or fold your toilet paper, you will have all experienced a one wipe wonder! You know, you’ve done a no.2, had a good wipe and when you look there is no mark on the toilet paper. This is sometimes known as an ‘Angel poo’.
However, in practice, angel poos never are just one wipe as although there is no mark we cannot trust it. We need to have another wipe just to be sure. So even the most angelic of defecations will require the minimum of two wipes.
February 29, 2012Leave a reply
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Andrex Scrunch or Fold
Toilet Roll Position – Over or Under?
Gary Lineker Doesn’t Scrunch or Fold!
Cooking with Poo
The One Wipe Wonder?
2012 angel poo answer argument Bangkok bathroom best Bizarre bog paper bog roll Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of th

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yes i got a boy who follow me:D
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