

Ask @Lexiibam

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TBH: i follow you and you're really gorgeous!! You are a stranger though lol(;

rebeccadenson’s Profile PhotoA
Thanks & you're gorgeous too, & I also follow you!<
Liked by: A

like = Tbh:[]Dont Like U [x]Ure A Stranger []I Have a Crush on u []I Kinda Really Like u []I Flirt with you Grade:[]A+ [x]A []B+ []B []C []D, U Shud:[]pm me []Love Me [x]Cuddle Me []Get in my bed []Hold me [x]Get 2 know Me []Kiss Me []kiss me passionately..U r: [x]Cute [x]Pretty

Thank you (:
Liked by: Isla Duffy

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Perfect boy?

Someone who will hug you or kiss you in front of anyone, and someone who will be with their friends, and say "that's my girl". Someone who is always there for you, and isn't embarrassed to be with you.. Someone who is real. Someone who would steal the umbrella in the rain and splash you with puddles. Someone who would just pull you close and kiss you. Awawaw.

Whoever likes, like 5 of their answers

Okay but,
Also, someone please ask me questions!
On anon preferably but either works
Liked by: cal britney

You're beautiful. Okay, just had to get that out there. 1. If you were stuck in an elevator, who would you want to be stuck with? 2. What's the most food you've ever eaten? 3. If you were to be any animal, real or fake, what would you be?

Thank you so much!<33
1. Hard question, can't decide.
2. Um, like 5 bowls of cereal, and 6 pieces of pizza, lol.
3. Vampire if that counts :P
Liked by: cal Joseph Evans

Name 10 best friends

Hmm not in order .
I'm bored so I'm gonna try to do this in alphabetical order....for the first name.
-eh idk who else .

If you could marry a celebrity... Who would it be ? And why ?

Ian Somerhalder or Paul Wesley because they're perfect.


Language: English