
ariana grande

Ask @lmTheAriana

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Hello. How do you stay so in shape?

I would love to influence my fans or anybody who is reading this to TAKE CARE of their bodies and stay fit the healthiest, most nourishing way possible!!!
the main thing I stay away from is starchy carbs (no rice, potato, pasta, bread, cereal, etc) & sweets (with a cheat day once a month because it’s good for ur soul) however, it’s important to have some carbs (depending what they are) because they’re a great source of energy and certain carbs eliminate bloating. like oatmeal. I have organic oatmeal with flax & cinnamon every morning to get my body going n to have some energy for the day. I usually eat it with 2 hard boiled eggs or a handful of almonds for protein. I generally have really long work days every day so throughout the day i keep myself energized & my belly full with fruits & veggies with almond butter or nuts, green tea n healthy bars like Think Thins, Live Raw bars or Pure bars. yes these bars have more calories than a 90 calorie Special K bar but here’s why they’re the smarter choice..... the ingredients in a Special K bar aren’t natural and are harder for ur body to break down. if u eat snacks that are more natural (Think Thins, Live Raw bars or Pure bars, fruits, veggies, nuts etc) u will consume way more calories but your body will be able to process & USE the ingredients for nourishment instead of storing them as fat. for lunch I always have some lean protein with a fruit or veggie like salmon and kale or chicken with hummus & some berries. for dinner I have whichever of the two i didn’t eat for lunch. I usually alternate! I try to have my last meal of the day before 7:30. if I get hungry before bed I will never let myself go to sleep hungry. I’ll just have some fruit or nuts. a glass of dandelion tea before bed is also great for u. a lot of people also say that fruit isn’t good for you because it has a lot of sugar and that avocado or hummus or cashews have too much fat. this is true… fruit has some sugar and some carbs. nuts n avocado n hummus DO have a lot of fat but they aren’t the kinds of fats that will make u fat. they're healthy fats. they will nourish ur body. the sugar in fruit is natural sugar and it’s fine and good and delicious. of course moderation is good when it comes to natural fats and sugar but i'm just telling you guys about what’s been working for me.
I try to exercise daily to get my heart rate up & keep my body going. Isaac teaches a class called Fat Assassins (lol I love the title) & it’s literally the hardest, most amazing class in the whole world. I try to do it every day. i feel amazing whenever I do it. whether it’s dancing, yoga, swimming, hiking, jumping jacks, plans, ab n leg work outs, running, cheesy exercise videos.. whatever u want to do it’s just important to have that time to work out as often as possible.
so i hope this has been helpful to u guys & that u've enjoyed reading it. the most important thing of all is to keep yourself healthy & to be happy n to love yourself. love y'all.

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