

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Your makin fun of keenans hair now aarons wtf ur the faggot here with the selfies you take then you send the links for attention your a gay

K actually no anons are sending the links to make people pissed at me and ffs calm down
Liked by: ✞Slave✞ Li.kay

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Haha - you stick to your opinion mate. Anyone who doesn't like it can fuck themselves. And what was your opinion of him?

Thanks I definetly will cause it was none of there business and my opinion was that his hair looks like a paintbrush and he seems like a horrible cunt cause he makes fun of stuff that isn't funny he literally told me to cut myself until I bleed to death so wtf? Who's actually the horrible one here I mean look at the facts people don't take his side just cause he's whatever

How many times have these people asked you how old you are like damn .

I know right like it's right down there in my other answers scroll bitch scroll
Liked by: ✞Slave✞

Wtf is wrong with keenan

Tbh I have no idea all I remember is I gave my opinion on him I got off askfm to go eat some grapes I came back and saw that 20 people liked what I said on the opinion and I was like ok... And apperntly some of his friends or whatever saw what I said and they sent him my link and he started saying shit about me Wtf
Liked by: ✞Slave✞ Hails

Who is Keenan?

@keenan96 he's this fucking guy who's name appeared in my ask box and I was like ok I thought it would be a good idea to give my opinion about him but apparently giving your opinion is illegal -.- ffs then all this shit started
Liked by: ✞Slave✞ Acacia

You look like niall horan not Ellen ._.

Everyone says I look like a blonde Louis Tomblinson , but I think that's only cause this one picture I have. An then other people say I look like Ross lynch •_•
Liked by: ✞Slave✞

Ugh is exactly what people say when I stick my knee in their stomach (at least, when I apply full pressure to them)

Omg please now my stomach hurts -_- thanks
Liked by: ✞Slave✞

Guys fucking leave magnus alone jezz it's his opinion.-.

Right like omg now I don't even wanna do any other opinions ever again cause world war 3 is gonna fucking happen if I do
Liked by: ✞Slave✞


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