

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Advice for girls who cut?

Girls and boys aren't any different when it comes to cutting....
But find some thing else to do instead cut like when you get mad just throw stuff against the wall or something like that
Or draw instead of cutting
Or read

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I had coffee ice cream today! (: haha

I only get it like once a week
Cause I only get it on store days -.-"

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

One time I put something about one of my friends all over Facebook and it was something bad
And they took a really long time to forgive me
And people didn't forget about it until a long time
So yeah

What’s on your mind?

So I really want food ...
Next week is when school officially starts and we have to go everyday or else we fail -.-"
I'm mad cause my classes switched
Now I'm with like none of my friends except Phillip but that's really all I need
Uhm I want coffee Icecream
I'm mad that I ripped my plaid shirt
I'm wondering why I smell cookies
Liked by: Jaeda Andrell

What do men talk about when there are no women around?

Well I know that me and Phillip are always talking about how some girls need to stop...
Like really ... Just no
We talk about thoose type of girls that like one boy one second then go and date another boy
And they pretend to like people -_-
Liked by: Jessica Adam_Graham

Do you have any friends also named Magnus?

There's Magnus Johansson
He's cool I played him at soccer he was on the other team they won tho ;) we talk alot
Then there's this other kid from school and his name is Magnus ... I always forget his last name .___. I just remember him cause he has really bright red / orange hair and he's really loud xD

Where do you shop the most?

I think I'm the only boy that likes shopping
I like buying my cousin stuff she doesn't even ask tho...
But anyway yeah I go everywhere
#the mall tho \^0^/
Liked by: Adam_Graham

baby goat somebody's sending people my kik I omegle :O and these horny bastards keep messaging me

Omegle is so annoying
Just ignore them

Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

I like that season where it's like a really nice temperature
I think it's called fall? Or whatever
It's like not too cold or too hot
Liked by: Adam_Graham Jessica

What is it you most dislike?

People that lie
People that act like somebody there not
People that beg for chances but then ruin them
People that yell too much >_<!
People that are always in somebody's business
People that can't keep things to themself
People that start Rumours
People that spread the Rumours
Liked by: Adam_Graham Jessica

What do you love the smell of? 

Alot of weird stuff
Like if I said it everyone would think I'm weird .___.


Language: English