

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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What can spoil your day?

Going on Facebook or ask.fm or Instagram or anything and seeing just one stupid little bitcu ruining my mood -_-

If you were famous what would you be famous for?

I would be one of Thoose kids that kills themself then everyone hears about it days later and then they feel bad for them

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

I'm cutting at the moment I like cutting :) idk I just couldn't stop ....

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

Benjamin ugh -_- so I haven't broken up with him I just got too attached and now I just can't. Like the only way to get me unattached would be if you killed me and like ughhhhh -&:'kalamxnsna xbakaksksks

What are your plans for tomorrow?

Today hasn't even started yet so please tell me how I would already know what I'm doing tommorow like its literally 8:00 am here

What would you like to see written on your gravestone?

Who says I'm gonna die ;)? Jk
But if I die
I don't wanna be found like I want someone to murder me then throw me in the ocean and be lost forever

What was the happiest moment of your life?

That time I almost died like 3 months ago I was really hopeing i would die but fuck -,- didn't work

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Just go around killing everyone like blowing there heads off shooting shit blowing shit up
Liked by: Jenna Beetz

What should there be in a perfect day?

Sleeping all day.
Your in your dream world
There's no cunts
No bitches
No assholes
You can think of anything you want T_T

What do teenagers think about?

I'm tired of people doing this VVVVVVV below
Girls - makeup boys ....
Boys , sex sports
Like uhm no that's not true at all
But anyway
Boys and girls basically think about the same things girls don't always think about boys and makeup, some girls don't like makeup and some don't like boys maybe they like girls is that wrong? No it's not And boys don't just think about sex and Sports like nowadays everyone basically thinks about how much of cunts other people are .


Language: English