

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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How would you like to die?

I would not like to die in my sleep. Everyone always puts that for this question but anyway yeah I would want to get hit by a car or something do that at the funeral they would close the thing and no one could be able to see me because the injuries would be too bad. Ah I've been to a funeral before and it's really creepy when they leave the casket thing open ok just like ughh can you freaking not! Like even tho they are dead couldn't you like give them some privacy !? How rude ! How would you like it if 100 people were staring at you while you are dead ._. Just no

Oh my god my crush is getting me fucking mad I wanna cut my throat

blurred ∞•Lines :*
Don't do that if they are making you mad then why are they your crush they seem horrible and you should like someone that cares about you more. Don't waste time on them ._.

Do you play any online games?

I use to but they took down all the good ones and all the ones I met some really good people on lol I like the online games where you can talk to other people and all that but not ones were you just play some stupid car game or something like that ._.

Is it just me or do you get annoyed when people are nice to you and than ask if you can give them a shout out or follow them back?

Oh my goodness yes that is very annoying like if you ask for a shout out you didn't have to pretend to be nice you could have just asked I would still say no but lol really it's better for people not to pretend or lie

You're planning a nice dinner party but could only invite 3 people. Who would you invite?

Lmfao with my friends I could not plan a " nice" dinner party because I already know Phillip would be passed out on the couch the whole time Benjamin would insist on buying McDonald's instead and everyone else would act like fools xD !!

How much time per day do you spend on the internet?

It seems like I spend all Day and night on the Internet but I actually do not so idk what the answer would be to this lol
Liked by: TyrellCrazii3


Language: English