

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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What makes you nervous?

I'm scared to post too many things about Benjamin again because then the fake account @benjaminlasnier321 is gonna make up a paragraph about how im fake when I'm actually not

How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?

My birthdays coming up August 12 and my friend Philips birthday *my best friend* every year we have our birthday party together :D !
Liked by: Jordan Denton

Are you good at swimming?

Lol go ask my best friend that had to save me at the beach from nearly drowning

You're not ugly, you're absolute perfection and have more girls wishing you were theirs than they ever will. You're probably smarter than them too, and obviously you're not gay as you've said it 8448384 times that your bi. How long does it take for people to realise that? Serious. --sorry. Ha :/

Thanks :D xD

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

It would be called "people are cunts" and the title would explain itself
Liked by: Jaeda Andrell

Don't cut again, (at least try not to) you're not an attention seeker, the things you say are things you went/are going through. Why are you saying these things? They asked you about it then they come along and call you an attention seeker. You have pics from when you were younger, not fake.

^^^^ :)

Describe what a good friend means to you?

No need to write something long about me and my best friend but he's next to me in the picture and that was when we were 6 and I've known him since I was 3 and he was 3 and he's just magical :3 ^_^ <3 ah

What’s wrong with the world?

I would write a 828383939 word paragraph like I usually do for questions like this but my fingers hurt and ive already written enough earlier so ugh :/ lol I would have alot of bad stuff to say about the world tho


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