

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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what do your and ben's parents think about you guys dating? i think it's cute

I dont really uhm have parents I don't wanna talk about that but uhm Benjamin's mom didn't really care but his dad yelled and hit him ._.
Liked by: ~ not in use ~

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Maybe u should post a dick pic for those who are confused kidding kidding kidding obviously ur a boy I don't see how there confused even with makeup on u still look like a boy

:)) thanks
Liked by: ~ not in use ~

Do you love your fans or Ben more? Honest.

I'm suppose to love Benjamin more hes my fucking boyfriend. I don't like when he ignores me over his fans so neither would he.

I kno you don't want to let them to get away with it but if you answer them and you sound angry then they're just gonna think it got to you and that's what they want to happen! you can answer if you want but I'm just trying to help Becuz some people are assholes and are just gonna keep doing it to u

Oh I see
Liked by: Chris Willcox


Language: English