

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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what would you do if your girlfriend walked in on you having an wank?

She would probally help me out ;)

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Does your girl friend know you cut and that you tried killing yourself?

I don't cut anymore but yes she's knows I did she was one of the reasons why I stopped e cause she talked to me about how she would miss me if I was gone

What would you do if you started self harming again and some one walked in on you doing it?

No one would ever walk in my room. My adoptive family knew when I was cutting they didn't even care.

What would you do if you walked in on your girlfriend cutting?

My girlfriend wouldn't cut. Trust me

I made you a thingy; Your skin is not paper, don't cut it. Your size is not a book, don't judge it. Your life is not a film, don't end it. Your face is not a mistake, don't cover it. Your story is an inspiration, BE PROUD OF IT<3

Liked by: Hailey

Do u hate someone

I don't hate people I just strongly dislike some of them to the point of wanting to shove pencils threw their skulls

Do u answer every single kik message ?

Unless its from someone I don't like but my kik is not online right now

Magnus you don't deserve this hate, and I'm sorry you get it! Please don't delete your ask though, I'm sure it will get better. Just ignore the hate because it's probably just some guy who's jealous of how perfect you are :*

Oh thanks

Whats wrong with your kik? The message isnt going through.

I turned it off for a while cause I'm getting hate messages

Let Magnus do what he wants, you don't and can't run his life. Seriously, its annoying when i come on ask and all i see if hate on his ask. Just leave him alone.

I'm getting more and more every minute I'm about to delete my ask.......

No offence I don't have anything against you being bi... But Ben isn't bi, is he because apparently you've had sex with him and plus your 14 for god sake

Yes he is bi an it's my life ok bye ANON :p

Stay strong. You're super nice and amazing. Ignore all that haters because you have so many people that love you and they want you here and they want you happy. So stay strong <3

Thank u I will :)

ben is better than u. "hes famous because of me" "i wanna die because of him" look dumbfuck, find a life because people actually dont have parents and cut and try to kill themselves. ur just a stupid crap kid.

I actually don't have parents and I have tried to kill myself and luckily I stopped cutting your only giving me hate cause you wanna suck theese nuts

listen up kid. you dont go through shit. so stop trying to get attention. because all your fans dont care about you they just feel bad. people actually go through fucking shit. ben is not famous because of you. so fuck off.

I like tacos and waffles and sucking hair balls :3
Liked by: Jordan Dove


Language: English