

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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"My friend whos name is also magnus" now i know your fake

That makes no sense. So I'm fake because I have a friend named Magnus lolololhahahahahaahahh!!!!!!! I'm laughing so much right now... What am I not allowed to have a Friend named Magnus? Wow crazy world stfu and find your way off my ask.fm since I'm sooooo fake HAHAHHA xD !!

I'm sorry but I'm curious what happens to your parents :''''( I love you and I'm just curious

A fire :/

why are you feeling bad

Never mind I feel better now I thought about why I was feeling bad and realized it was just a silly reason, I'm okay I'm just listening to music now ^_^

I swear on my fucking life right now. If any of you make Magnus do anything bad, i will fucking shoot you. Because im done, coming on my news feed and seeing the hate you guys send him. You know absolutely nothing about you. I know your whole story, im about fucking done.

Thank u ~~~

What's something you do well?

I can sing play piano and I'm great at soccer, but I'm more focused on soccer at the moment because that's what I've always wants to be is a soccer player
Liked by: ava rose

Do you give money to homeless begger bitches on the streets

That's not nice to call them that and yes I do, people always say oh well they only want that money to buy drugs or beer , and yes it's true that some of them do.... And they ruin it for the homeless people that are actually homeless for a legit reason. Like maybe one of there houses has burnt down and they have lost there job so they can't afford anywhere to live and they cannot get another job you don't know there life it's not true they only want the money for beer or drugs... There's people out there that actually need help and no one cares... There's this guy like 10 miles from where my best friend lives and he has to sleep outside under a porch of some old smelly crappy building , he told us his story that something had happened with his house and that he had problems in school so he could not get a decent job so now he's homeless ... It's really sad that he cannot get a job because people nowadays are so snobby and high class that they only let perfect people work. Or do what they want well yeah . So in conclusion yes I do give ALL of them money even if they do just want to use it for stupid reasons or not

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Look crap kid . Stop making up fucking lies. Ur parents didn't die . I know you too well. And be glad u were adopted , and didn't die in a fire. Look at the good things in life u has dumbfuck. Like an iPhone nice clothes and all ur other shit. Stop pretending ur life is a fuckjng sad soap opera

Your sick and I'm blocking you ,don't even message me anymore peasant and I can't believe I'm saying this but KILL YOURSELF

Okay, you anon bitch, you have no idea what he went through. So before you judge someone. Get your fucking facts straight. Do you know how many times i've cried because of what he goes through? At this point he's the only reason im here. So fuck off because if he dies because of you, i swear.


Aw Magnus..Well don't listen to the haters. They're just jealous. We all love you and you are an inspiration..I'm sorry about your family, I really am. But smile. Smile because you can. Smile because you're worth it. Smile because your the reason some people are alive. Keep your head up, be strong<3

Thank u :/ :)

I unfollowed all Ben's ask accounts and his instagram. Feeling good I found the truth. THANK YOU!

Well you didn't have to do that :/ I mean I guess it's ok for him to use me ... I love him..


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