

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Ur so filing desperate its funny . He famous because of me . I was going to kill myself because people liked him more. Get a fucking life dumbfuck. There are people in the world with real problems

First of all what I said on ask.fm is not even half my life and your making fun of me . Now I'm really mad and I'm about to say it All sorry for my language guys...but anyway . I just recently found out that I'm fucking adopted and my real parents and brothers died in a fire when I was 6 I was lied to my whole life and put in a abusive home no one really cared about me except "Maksi" and everyday I would cut myself and try to find even the smallest way to try to hang myself or to just make my blood go everywhere or just die I didn't really care what happened to me I just wished I was gone and no one liked me I got bullied everyday at school my fans on Instagram and my friends on Facebook were all I fucking had to give me a little motivation to try to stay alive and stop cutting and attempting to kill myself . And btw I started cutting when I was fucking 6 that's not fucking normal 6 year olds aren't suppose to cut or feel like they should kill themself because stuff that happens in there life I should have never even had to of worried about it and by you judging me without knowin my wholeeeeee story your just sick now really get the fucking hell off my ask.fm and no Benjamin is not the only reason I felt like dying it was because I was fucking lied to the nigga isn't even my real cousin If my real family was alive I would probally not even be here typing all this right now . I would probally not even know who Benjamin was or even had heard of him. Half of what happened in my life wouldn't even be real. :( I probally would not be an inspiration to so many people , and maybe I would not even have fans or anything and not be so famous. Well that's all I want to say k thanks for ruining my night bye

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Excuse me while i go and unfollow all of Bens accounts. Because i found out he was a butt.

It's ok...

Has ben ever thanked you for making him famous?

Nope and don't tell him I told you this but I made his Facebook account for him cause he was too lazy to make it himself and whenever something goes wrong like if he can't log in or something then he will bother me half to death to fix it or else he will do something bad to me and he only uses me cause he only needs me when he wants something </3
Liked by: monique

You hate ben?! Or just have that family hate for him?

I never said I hate him in any kind of way at all.

I was pretty muchone of bens first followers and I liked his facebook page when there was less than 1k likes. All of his 'fame' kind of got to his head. But I think you're gunna be pretty famous on the internet and I just wanted to say that I hope you don't change (: No offense to Ben

I'm not going to change I've been this way since the beginning and I'm going to stay like that

I searched Ben "singing" before, and i could tell it wasn't him. I like you a lot more than Ben, i found out he was a bastard. You are way better than Ben don't forget that.

Yay \^0^/

Awkward. Uh your facebook says it's 'Eli Kristensen' When your name is magnus? I'm just wondering if your fake..Sorry.

Could you stop there's a f***king reason why it says that you don't know my life. Now get of my ask.fm peasant
Liked by: мαкανєℓι

Why does Ben even have fans tho.

This is the thing. So I'm about to say the truth and it isn't mean to be rude to him but... So he basically has fans for no reason. It stated some time back at November when he started posting YouTube videos and I don't think any one has noticed but in his videos he's not even singing he's just putting the original singers voice on auto tune to try and trick people , so then all of theese girls were like OMG he sings so good. When actually it wasn't even him.. Then later on I had made an Instagram account and I told Ben he should make one ... So within an hour of him making one he already had over 3000 more followers then me. I was really sad because it wasn't fair and maybe if I never told him about it then he wouldn't be so famous on Instagram right now and I don't tell many people this story but I'm mostly the reason why Benjamin is famous ... So then he started making an account on every website that I had an account on it was like he was trying to take my place . I always thought about killing myself because people liked him more then me. But now finally !! I feel like people like me and some even like me more then him so yeah

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Someone else did it for me :3
Liked by: Courtney

Something no one knows about you?

Uhm well... I'm kinda still getting over Benjamin at the moment I still wish we did not break up I'm trying to forget about it and remain as a cousin relationship instead of boyfriends and plus I have a girlfriend and ughhh ill be ok eventually :) well that's it..
Liked by: TyrellCrazii3


Language: English