

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Awe Magnus you are the biggest sweet heart I've ever seen on this ! Especially for a guy , you seem so respectful towards women ! I love it ! You're really cute as well aha :) So you gotta girlfriend ? Aw that's to bad , but it's real cute . I bet you treat her well :) #Jealous

Thanks I guess :3 I just respect the people that are nice to me and other people idek but yeah :)

What kind of girls do you find attractive

Well I think all girls are pretty tbh
But once they start acting like crap to me and stuff and they show me they have an ugly personality than that's when I consider them as ugly. And I dont really understand your question as in "what kind of girls" I'm confused as to whether you were talking about race or not but I like all kind of girls.

Should I tell my parents I'm bi?

Sorry I answered this kinda late.
But yes you should they are your parents they are suppose to support you no matter what you are and if they don't then don't worry about it they won't matter in the end. As long as you are happy then you should be fine :) a lot of my family members don't like the fact that I'm bi but I don't care about them and their opinions cause I'm happy so yeah :)

Why are you dating someone from online you'll never meet

Seriously -.-
Ok this is my opinion about it.... If your like 10 years old or 12 or something than you shouldn't have an online relationship cause it won't last anyway and there is no point in doing that cause you won't meet. But if your like 15 ..16 or older than you have a greater chance of getting to meet them and actually lasting. And me I am 15 and actually have an intention of getting to meet @ajkristensen one day. But hey I mean it all depends I guess :p plus older people are more mature and once your like 18 that makes you an adult and you can travel places so yeah :p


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