

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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u like blonde or short girls ? (:

I like all girls, blonde girls would be the least of my preference but hey... I guess and short girls... Well I guess I'm short I mean I'm 5"2 so .. :)

Okay out of curiosity but if u marry a guy do u keep he's last name or yours ? Aha O.o

You get to choose which last name you want to use whether he uses yours or you use his :)

when you imagine yourself really relaxed and happy what are you doind?

Sitting here like I am now :p

LOL okey so ILY <3 <3 and we totally need to talk more!!! <3 I was just looking @ some questions people have been asking and it seems like ALL of them are about sex. There are some nasty whores here. Mkay bye now.

Yeah thanks :)

Do u compare yourself to Ben ?

He is better then me. :) and even tho I'm older then him I look up to him so I kind of do .?

Omg why do you have to be so perfect !! <3 you're like a guy every girl wants ! But don't cut yourself when I saw the pictures like my heart skipped a beat especially you're left leg ,you are NOT ugly ..I believe in you and I love you <3 :**

Aw ^_^ thanks <3


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