

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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It must be so hard having long distance best friends you must like be so sad that you don't see them it makes me feel bad for you :((

It's ok goodnight

How are you feeling right now?

Great I'm tired tho so im gonna go sleep for a while I shall soon return :'D byeeee y'all

Who was in the group hat ahahaha?

Jan and Serena and Charlotte and Tobias and Celina and I can't remeber the other people and then some people left and we added new ones it ws funny idk

Any online memories that you will NEVER forget?

Omg when I had that group chat with like 8 people in it and it was so fucking funny I cannot even bare to describe that shit oh lord I had to drink water after that just to breathe again XD oh gosh I'm dying now just thinking about it someone help

Name the people you've liked before but never told them:)

I liked Charlotte for a short period of time ._. And I liked Serena but at the time I liked her I thought she liked Tobias so ._. And I also liked max but he turned to be a fucking cunt . And I liked my friend shianne before but I thought she wouldn't like me cause I'm white lol. Idk

What has made you laugh today/tonight?:))

Alexis xD we went to talking about chicken to dancing to songs idek and snowman oh lord funny and jan is sending me pictures of Serena sleeping so I'm dying rn

Do you like your name?

Yeah ... But I get a lot of nicknames from it
Mag the fag
Swaggy mag
Saggy Maggy
Magnum Icecream

Do you class all your girl bestfriends as like hoes? Ahahahahahah Like your bitches? Or like respectful

I don't call them all that... Like I would only say that to jan or Serena cause we joke like that sometimes and we don't mean it but like I wouldn't just call all my friends that are girls hoes and stuff

Like all of your friends are British xD that must be so awsome

Only 3 are British... I barely like any other British people cause all the ones I've met have been bleh...

What people have you known the longest ever since you first started having long distance friendships?

Itzel was my first long distance friend but she's not my friend anymore and uhm the only other people who were "first" I think are Serena and jan and Charlotte I've known then for like a little over a year now

What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

Swiggity swooging around the house listening to music and dancing I really need to stop lol help help help


Language: English