
Mai Tanaka

Ask @MaiTanaka

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Weren't you in one of Robert's MC videos?

*sigh* Yes . I wouldn't recommend it however . Just because of the way it was edited, or lack there of however . Each video is like 30 minutes long, and it gets tiresome to watch, and pretty boring to be honest . Especially because we don't do much but play a parkour map .
Liked by: Moses Scober

Do you know how to make videos for youtube?

I've played around with it some, and I think I know how to make some . Edit it and all . I just don't have equipment and such to film anything to edit .
Liked by: Moses Scober

They would have givn you a walking cast if you were supposed to walk.

They've underestimated me . Like most people . If I have to drag crutches around until January 6th i'll scream . They're my equivalent to Carolyn !!

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What are you really good at?

I can figure out computers and fix them . Get them to work for me . Does that make me tech savy ? xD lol nahh .

When is the first time you heard your favorite band?

I'm sure it's not the first time I heard them, but the time I remember the most was at Target . I was walking past the movie and music section and they were playing different music videos on the TVs . One of them had been playing "Gives You Hell" by AAR . and I just really liked the song . Plus the other ones I heard . So yeah, they eventually became my favorite band .
Liked by: Elyza Gutierrez

Are you doing something for vpag?

I want to do a dance, and I think it'll be to Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus but I want a partner for it . I could always solo it though .
Liked by: Elyza Gutierrez

How do you make a girl happy?

Treat her like she's you're everything . Be a gentleman, not trashy . If she's upset, or even looks sad, comfort her . Ask her if she's okay and tell her you're here for her . Give her hugs when she least expects it, and make her smile . Play video games with her . Take her to places . Go shopping together . Spend time with each other . Have fun . Be spontaneous, kisses out of the blue, or something nice . Complement her occasionally and make her feel loved . Texts good morning and goodnight always make them happy . I know this works, because everything I just said is what would make me happy . <3

Aren't you worried about your bone healing wrong if you keep walking on it?

Eh, Sometimes ? But I also gave it 3 weeks to heal and it doesn't hurt now ... Most of the time .

2 confessions?

1.) I get hiccups when i'm tired .
2.) On the subject of hiccups, I wish that I had like the cute kind of hiccups that girls have, mine are silent ones for reasons i don't know and it hurts . It also just looks awkward xD

Im late but howd u break ur ankle?

I was stripping and I slipped on on some coins and fell of the pole . =X
Jk, I was at dance and I fell off pointe and broke it .


Language: English