
Manal Alshaikh

Ask @Manoola11

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كيفَ تمسكَ نفسكَ عنَ الغضبَ وتحآإفظَ علىَ هدوئكَ ؟

Yoom akoon m39bah bjee a8ool lk :P

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8 facts about me :Pp

97 enee ma a3rfk ktheer .. Bs ha4a elee a7sh :)
M7bobah masha2lah
3la neyatk
U have a mysteries lover :$ :P
U have 1 sister and 1 brother << insha2lah 97 !!
Ur status <3_<3
Ur going to graduate this year :"")
D5lteee 8lbeeee bsr3aa (L) :$
O u want an iPhone n_n

If I gave you, a pen and paper, and I told you to write something about me what would you write. . . ?? ;P

u should have gave ma a note book .. couz a peace of paper wont have much room for describing how much ur personality is so wonderfull :)

What is the hardest word may hurt by .. !!

if ur question is : what is the most word can hurt u ?!
mmm ma adree :P hehe .. maja shay b'balee al7en :)
thnx 3 the questions <3<3

لِيَه الْنَّاس تَهْتَمـ بِصِغَااائر الْامُوْر وتِحُطِهَا عَظِيْمَه ؟

l2n alnaas jahleen .. ma7d ye8raa zay 2wal .... wla yet'th8f . ft9eer jahlah o fa'9ya o t7b al8eel o al8aal ..
law alnas tt'th8f o t8ra .. o t8ra 3n alrsool o t't3lm mnh kaif ho kan ye3amel alnas o ye7l almshakl .. kan t'3ayar tfkeer alnas .. 3amatn ktheer ashya2 t't'3ayar :)
fee klam ktheer b'balee bs ma wdy atflfs o a6awel 3laik :P

8 things you love to do ?

eating - reading
palying basketball - watching football
being with friends and familey -
watch movies and youtube videos
parnk ppl XP haha
thats what came to my mind :)
o i love youu <3<3

لو كنتي ام شنو الشي الي بتحاولين تعلمينه اعيالج من يوم اهما اصغار ؟ههههههههههههه ;)

al25la8 :) fee asha2 b3d :P
sara <3<3

10 facts about moi

Sara Alwazzan
Hyper masha2lah
U love shopping
39bya :P
Lovely and cute
U r loyal to ur friends but sometimes u can't show it
U love piano
U love 8b8b
U love Megan fox
When someone piss u off u have to fight back :P ya3ny trdeen :$
Sometimes u dont listen ..

هنـاك حبيـب ينتظـر سلامـك •• ( يـا أيُهـا الذيـّن آامنـوا صَلـوا عليـّه وسلِمّـوا تسليّمـا ). أرسلهـا لكـل اللـى عنـدك ولا تبخـل عشـان يصلـوا عليـه آللّهُمَ صَلّیۓِ ۈسَلّمْ عَلۓِ سَيّدنَآ مُحَمّدْ<3‏

:) insha2lah

هنـاك حبيـب ينتظـر سلامـك •• ( يـا أيُهـا الذيـّن آامنـوا صَلـوا عليـّه وسلِمّـوا تسليّمـا ). أرسلهـا لكـل اللـى عنـدك ولا تبخـل عشـان يصلـوا عليـه آللّهُمَ صَلّیۓِ ۈسَلّمْ عَلۓِ سَيّدنَآ مُحَمّدْ<3‏‏

Jzaak allah 5air

ur lieying ... cuz u never seen a famous person before :P if i did ill be veryyy HAPPPPPY xD

Sara Alwazzan
-_-' iv seen few famous ppl 7bebty ... O b3deen I said ma adry aish ra7 aswy < that's not a lie
Mbrrok :D

10 things around you

:O 10 things ! Okai n_n
1- my iPod
2- my laptop
3- my bag
4- my jacket
5- klenx
6- my bro's beyblaid
7- n3al albait
8- a box
9- aldolab
10- pillow


Language: English