
Mayy Sawyer

Ask @MayySawyer

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Can't wait till child services takes Ariel away ... It's about time

ooooo I wish I knew who you where. ooo oo oooOOOoo. Doll, you're lucky you're on anon. Ill tell you that much. mmmmm

As a young adult mother do you get odd looks sometimes when people see you and your kid

Yes, but I do not believe it's because they see me as a Young adult mother (thank you for branding me as I am) I believe they look at me in an odd way because I look much younger than I actually am.

What are your thoughts on those mothers who use baby bonuses for their own needs such as manicures and facials ?

I don't know.. are those things expensive?? I mean if they've taken care of their kids first then I suppose they can use their left overs to do what they've got to do. Most mothers don't start a trust fund for their children until the age of one.

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I heard you applied to be on teen mom canada is that true

No.. since Im not a teen mom it really wouldn't even make sense for me to do that.

Will you delete this account when Ariel becomes of reading age ? Personally I feel like it could hurt her feelings due to some of the outright horrible things they have the audacity to say!

Im glad you asked this question. Yes I will delete it no person should have to read the things said about Ariel when she hasn't even got the bran capacity to understand what a sin is.

At what age will you be getting Ariel her first cell phone ? At what age will you allow her to date? Do you think you'll be a strict or lenient mom?

She could probably get a shitty pay as you go plan wen she's 12 or 13 for safety I will allow her to walk home from school alone with a sibling or with friends, shell be able to go to the park with a sibling or a friend and shell need a way to keep in contact with me so I know she's safe. She's going to date when she wants to but I hope that I can encourage her not to start before the age of 14. It depends on who she is when she's older, if she behaves herself I have no reason to be strict. I mean f I bring her up properly there is going to be no reason that she will dress like a hoe because she understands that it's wrong. I just beed to have patience while shes young in order to see the results when shes older (:

Your answers are so immature and obnoxious. I can't help but pray that someone knocks some sense into you before Ariel grows up & you pass that stupidity and black girl attitude down to her.

Where do you even get this from? What is my 'black girl attitude' please enlighten me. Am I supposed to be gracious towards a bunch of foolish fake friends who are trying to insult me anonymously?? All of my friends who actually care about me tell me STRAIGHT up what I do that bothers them they don't need anonymous platforms to do it. The only reason why someone would come at me on anon is:
1. they're scared to lose my friendship or
2. They're scared of me.

I treat others the way they treat me
sorry but not sorry

Would you say that you've become more religious before or after having your child?

Im the same amount of religious I was before if anything Ariel has made me love God MORE than I did before her. My beliefs are the same my views are the same, my wants and needs (in regards to spirituality) are the same.

Would you say that the reason you got pregnant was as a result of not being raised as well as you would've hoped? Do you think your upbringing influenced the fact that you had underage sex and what not?

What the fuck is underaged sex?

I don't know you well, but in my humble opinion I would say that having a baby is the best thing that ever happened to you. It allowed you to be happy and see the goodness in each day. Without a beautiful baby girl, who knows what miserable state you would be in today? A child is a blessing!

You don't even know me well enough to have an opinion about me. You're depressing, just because you compliment someone doesn't make an insult okay, learn how to communicate with others you're socially inept.

Do you live alone with your child or with someone else too? Do you have any accumulating debt?

It's just Ariel and I but I live in the same building as some of my family.

I think it's hilarious that you state "If you're not ready to take care....don't have sex" . Are you saying that when you had sex, you wanted and full on expected to get pregnant? I appreciate your stance but you're a little off with your assumptions.

Oh yeah really? Laugh about it then. You clearly don't know what being an adult is. Because what you're saying is, WHY HAVE A FIRST AID KIT ITS NOT LIKE YOURE GOING TO HAVE TO USE A BAND AID. because you're perfect right anon? LOL goodbye

you had a baby hahahahahahhahaaaa i dnt think anyone will ever take u 100% seriously anymore.... just sayingg

How does that even.. are you mentally stable or??

How often do you change your desktop background?

Not very often at all.. I've actually got to change it soon haha thanks for reminding me.

You don't give a good name to youth of african descent ... you're only re=enforcing the stereotype about baby mamas who don't know their baby daddies.

LMFAO! Youth of african decent.. Sorry but Im equally as white as I am black so try again.. and also, I know who my child's father is THANK you.

I'll answer for you then... Winded, Delicious, and Occupied.

uh.. what? How am I winded delicious and occupied those make no sense.. just shush you


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