
Mayy Sawyer

Ask @MayySawyer

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Good one I'm doing more then your ratchet ass.

You're clearly not doing anything but sitting on the internet WATCHING my ask fm. Go read a book, lighten your heart. Hatred doesn't hurt anybody but yourself. Just relax a little bit. Life isn't so horrible try a smile make some tea and just sit and enjoy the moment. Im sorry you're in a bad mood tbh because right now I feel fantastic and I truly do hope that your mood will change for the better. Bitterness is a horrible feeling, just let it goooooo.

You are not a professional. You have no talent or creative eye, youre a girl who spent way too much money on equipment who winds up with the same quality photos as my iphone. You are not worth a penny in any sense. And no one, no one gives a fuck about remaining your friend.

lmao you're so bitter. Get off of the internet and go DO something with your life.

not trying to be rude but you haven't been educated enough to be "good enough" as a professional. you said so yourself you haven't had job experience and you're just going to school now so how are you able to charge people. you should still be working on a portfolio. correct me if im wrong

You're wrong lmfao. I have 3 portfolios. WHy are you giving me shit for being in school you fuck tards literally attack everything I do. THere are people who have MADE businesses without going to school who take shit photos edit shit photos and sell shit photos. I do none of the above for CLIENTS. The unprofessionalism I've seen with the people who claim to be professionals is just way lower than my expertise. But then, they only call themselves professionals because they charge, not because they've gone to school. Everyone I'm in school with charges way more than me for their photoshoots, why can't I?Don't answer that because the answer is I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT TO DO. Stop fucking bothering me about my shit. I wouldn't take a picture of you even if you asked at this point so get off of my fucking ask fm and you should PROBABLY delete me off facebook as well because I will find out who you are and we will no longer be friends.

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that doesnt answer my question though

lmfao. You're an actual idiot eh? Well ANON, the reason why I don't "do it for free :)" is because I'm good enough to charge. You can come to me and spend 100 dollars or you can go to a "Professional" and spend 300 dollars. Of course, the choice is yours. You can get with this, or you can get with that. I think you'll get with this, for this is where it's at

why are you charging people for photo shoots if you're not a professional yet? you should do it for free :)

I typed out about 7 answers to this question and they were all too rude. I am sorry ANON but I just don't feel like being rude to you. You come off so naive it's cute. One love bredren <3

It kinda sucks to let the anon know that you don't need to be a stick to be anorexic.

Tbh anon doesn't need a lesson in anorexia and being in recovery I don't need to talk about it.


I was being sarcastic you idiot.

ha. bitch can't handle the truth.. someone calls you out on nbstagram and you delete it. where was your kid with her horrible father? someone should take away that mother of the year award you think you deserve and your child. where's CPS at ?

lmao, she deleted her own comments there buddy. Yes. Please Child protective services come take away my daughter. She has no clothes because I'm too busy clubbing at 11pm to go shopping for her and food haha I'm anorexic I don't eat so neither does she OH and isn't it so cute her first sentence ever was Fuck that bitch. Im so great ah I love my parenting.

Also, from reading these questions, even I am getting stressed out. Considering you have a child, I would recommend avoiding stressful subject matter. These comments are aiding self deprecating thoughts. Show your daughter that you love yourself by shutting this down


I think you should shut this site down. I understand the curiosity that brought you here, but people are callous behind a veil of anonymity. You're a beautiful woman. I dont know you personally so I cant say anything beyond what I see in your pictures (plus you have really good style).

D'aaaw thank you. I was actually considering taking it down tbh

You know whar? Who isn't all that shit? EVERYONE will be each one of those things without even realising it. EVEN THE NICEST PERSON ON EARTH. Tell me who does not walk around without judging someone? Even the nice compliment is judging someone. So, don't go off on Mayy thinking you are any better


ROFL you are NOT "gorgeous" on the inside. You are heartless, obnoxious, rude, loud, ignorant, judgemental, selfserving, condescending and egotistic.

None of those things are true which just goes to show how well you DO NOT know me, and so everything that you just said probably sadly describes yourself. Im sorry that you feel you are such a worthless human being. I understand the need to come over here and make me maybe feel like I am you. But I am not. Those who know me know that I am. Funny, loving, loud, loyal, respectful, and yeah maybe I'm a little obnoxious but so are all leaders. Just because I have a dominant personality does not make me an ugly evil person full of hatred. I rule with love (: so next time you try to bully me into believing this stupid bullshit just remember that I don't get bullied. haha It doesn't work, so don't even try it's pretty must the biggest waste of your time. paaaaace :*

u are so ugly on the inside + on the outside

Im the most gorgeous person on the inside. But the outside is ugly I do agree with that.

how do you feel about girls who are constantly naked on their IG

lol wat? Girls are not allowed to be naked on IG

why do you still have pics of your ex up?

Scroll down my ask fm until you find the answer Ive answered this question THREE times NOT doing it again


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