
Mayy Sawyer

Ask @MayySawyer

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What was I doing at 19? I was in Kingston working on my degree, which happens to be the same thing I'm doing now. WHILE you're running your mouth at a community college. Sorry that you think you're more educated then me because I spoke in a way you'd understand. BOW DOWN BITCH.

My chef has worked all around the world in 5 star restaurants (you probably have never even SEEN a 5 star restaurant because you're too used to Popeyes) he graduated from humber, one of my professors is on the Canadian board of photography, he also graduated from humber. The amount of success stories that come out of my 'community college' are well beyond whatever standard of learning your school is passing off; choosing to educate you is clearly a waste of their time. But HEY it's your money (be careful university is expensive it might not let you afford your 5th abortion). It's interesting that you thought I would understand your native tongue. Unfortunately, you know how to talk like black ghetto trash and I don't you understand ratchet brainer speak and I don't so lets stop the nonsense now.
Too bad your school doesn't teach you how to use the internet properly you fucking twat.
Jealousy is not cute, not cute at all you might want to stop it.
On an entirely different note if you ever tried to have this conversation with me in person I would kick you in your fucking teeth so it's understandable why you have to hide behind your computer. I would be scared of me too if I were you.

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You are the definition of ratchet tho fuckin knocked up at 19 livin off the government and shit. I'm a fucking black girl with respect for herself and others. You gotta stop runnin your mouth bitch cause you're the biggest fucking coward out there. You're the first person to act tuff behind a screen

LMFAO! YOU'RE SO MADDDDDD!! What about getting pregnant at 19 is ratchet? You may be a black girl with respect for yourself, but you're also a black girl with no English skills under her belt. YIKES! While I was pregnant and in college what were you doing? Onto your 5th abortion, running a brain train in brampton? Sit the fuck down when you're addressing me doll. You do not know me. You come at me the wrong way and you WILL get knocked the fuck out. Do you know why nobody starts shit with me off of the internet? Because I back my shit up. Goodluck in life get off of my page!

AMEN to the bitch who called you out about the race thing. i ain't got time for miley... but she is definitely not trying to act like a black girl. that would be an insult to black girls. she's trying to promote her album and her song which she's doing one hell of a job at, ain't got no time to hate

Lmfao, oh so you're but hurt that the ratchet ghetto black girls that Miley is acting like are black? Im black and im not ratchet or ghetto, there a millions of black girls who don't act like that but then there are a lot who do and that is what Miley is doing. LAAAWD you need to get some street smarts under your belt because you surely do not know what the real world is doing right now if you think Miley is NOT acting black.

Lmao. Funny how that person who is complaining about you complaining about Miley Cyrus is doing the same thing. That means that they are immature too. It's called opinion. Mayy can say whatever she wants on her own space. If you don't like it, delete her. It doesn't concern you. Damn.

MMMM bb I love you (: <3

im not mad nor am i complaining.. i'm simply just trying to understand. i'm not even a huge miley fan... i just think youre acting really immature about it all. you don't even know her, why DO YOU care?

get off my nuts

there are black girls that are considered white washed and that probably try and act like miley. i just don't think you should make this a race thing. for all you know miley is just doing all of this for the publicity and she's making money off of you making stupid fucking comments all over facebook


but it's not pathetic and embarrassing when black girls try to act like they've been raised by a white family and act white? I just don't see the difference and why it matters...

I've never seen a black girl try to act like they've been raised by a whit family lmao.. ? It matters because it invaded my personal space. She makes me feel uncomfortable.. why are you in my ask box lmfao go talk to someone else about Miley AND delete my off facebook while you're at it (;

sorry...why does it matter if miley is white?

she's a white girl who is acting like she's been raised in the ghetto when she has not. It's just purely pathetic and embarrassing.

if you found out that ur unborn child would be born with a deformity of some sort would you abort?

I would not.

why is ur twitter protected now?

I can't remember my twitter password to unprotect it lol I just didn't want somoene knowing I was in Vancouver.


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