
Mayy Sawyer

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You have the potential to be a good mother and a good person. Stop this idiocy for the sake of your child. She needs you

lol the potential. Anybody who says Im anything less than a good mother does not know me or my daughter.

Instead of worrying about how fat you look or what dick is going to fill your gaping hole of a vagina next, maybe you should worry about being a good mom?

Instead of worrying about how gaping you THINK my vagina is maybe you should worry about your own life?

you're A MOTHER. generally when one is a mother she is expected to spend her time BEING A MOTHER. Trashhh I feel so bad for your kid you're going to mess her up so badly. The "I'm young excuse" flies out the window when you bring a being into this world

lmfao, am I supposed to spend every single one of my waking hours at home with my baby? You clearly do not know what A MOTHER needs if you're insinuating I'm some kind of baby robot. Even the greatest of mothers needs a break every once in awhile.

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Best memory when you were 18 and were you in love at the time or ever been inlove

We kissed in the rain at 11:11

I love all your photography, I swear someday you'll be a professional. Your pictures are always stunning. Don't stop!(:

Thank you (: !!

I feel you. Not having a lot of money usually leads to either not eating at all or not either healthily. Having a baby on top of that just makes it a little bit harder. No one /wants/ to have an eating disorder. Niggas be dumb as fuck. Also, what's your favourite fruit?

haha if I bought nothing but food Id be broke :P Groceries are cheap but I cant cook because Ariel is clingy. I really like raspberries, but sometimes they're sour. Depends on the season.

Wanorexic is 'as someone who doesn't have an eating disorder, but think that it's an easy way to lose weight.' I thought it meant a person who is both an anorexic and a wine-o tbh. If anon wants to try to sound smart, maybe they should try putting their thoughts together first.

haha I agree with you, I love food if I could eat every second of the day I would. The facts are when I look in the mirror I see a fat girl. I do not have enough time in a day to take care of Ariel and feed myself and sleep. Most days it's either sleep or eat unless I go out and buy food and it's too costly to do that so the alternative is to just not eat.

You have a child, you go to bars and shit and you waste time chasing after guys and being wanorexic who are you to tell anyone to enjoy their mediocre life lol

Chyeah I have a child, and yeah I go to bars Im 20 lmfao what the hell do you expect me to do with my time? I waste my life chasing after guys? Well then you must not know me. wtf is a wanorexic?
Pls tell me more ANON about how I am not meant to tell anybody that their lives are mediocre ANON lmfao. Like if you're going to try and sound smart at least come forward with a face. Coward.

how long was your longest relationship and if you could would you get back with that person or end off in good terms ?

It was 3 years, and no i would never date them ever again, but if I could back to when things ended I would definitely end in good terms the second time around.

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

An unlimited supply of any type of food I wanted, and an unlimited amount of wifi/computer/power usage.

No. gay couples. There is no such thing as a gay normal couple

Gay IS normal. There is no reason for anybody to have to single a couple for being in love. There is no gay marriage there is only marriage there is no gay love there is only love, and if you can't recognize that you're a sad individual.

You're always going to be low class, I'ts ingrained in your character. For the rest of your life you'll be confined to a low social and economic standing due to your inability to make proper decisions. This major flaw in you as a person quite possibly stems from your diagnosis of FAS. Disgusting.

You gotta be a pretty lowly person to talk about my disability.. none 4 u glen coco


AlexandraJVokey’s Profile PhotoAlexandra J. Vokey


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