
Mayy Sawyer

Ask @MayySawyer

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Who is mayy going to punch out!! I wanna see a fight :P

LOL Mayy isn't going to punch out anyone. Nobody is dumb enough to start a fight with me.

What is your favorite Quentin Tarantino movie?

It's probably pretty cliche of me to say but it's pulp fiction. I Enjoy it more than the average motherfucker.

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Are you friends with a girl that has a 3 year old son? I can't remember her name.

I do have a friend that has a three year old son but Im pretty sure she's not the person that you're thinking about..

How long was your longest relationship and with who? If you could change how things ended would you?

3 years. Who he is is irrelevant. No, I wouldn't have changed anything.

Why are you so heart broken?

Because I let history repeat itself with a boy who I thought had changed. I'm a silly girl when it comes to romance and such things.

What was the best gift you've gotten for valentines day and by who?

I get gifts on other days of the year because you don't need a day to prove your love for somebody. Love shouldn't cost a penny. Ive never gotten a gift from anybody on Valentines day because I always make sure that they don't get me anything.

people on this thing are so cruel. theres someone out there for you, you just gotta give love a chance. you're gorgeous and you have a incredibly adorable daughter who thinks the world of you.

You're nice.

You are now a piece of fabric, what kinda are you and how do you live your life?


DO YOU LIKE MY QUESTIONS? What is your favorite kitchen appliance and why?

Yeah I like your questions. My favorite kitchen appliance would have to be the stove because it helps to cook awesomely amazing food.

You wake up in the middle of the night, surrounded by people with alligator faces. HOW DO YOU REACT. (This happened to me once... i'm so serious though)

I would let them eat me.. Im not feeling this life thing right now.

You are now a bird... you can't fly, how do you fend for yourself? P.s. You are a stork.

Ill find some babies to play with.. idk Storks are pretty giant. I would probably just pull a Rio and live like a pet... learn to swim live with the fish LOL. The Little mermaid would be my home girl. I be sittin in the back singing 'Kiss de Girl' lol I kill myself :}

BOOM. Zombie Apocalypse... would be your weapon? CHOOSE NOW.

A cross bow or a Bow n arrow.. I know how to carve (:

If you could be any type of office supplies what would you be? I personally, would be a stapler.

Thats so typical to the be stapler haha. Everyone takes you home, thats like a rule of officehood. If you ever get a job at an office you HAVE to take a stapler home. Have to.
If I was a type of office supply I would be a I would be the Paper shredder or the calculator.

If you could be a rock, what type of rock would you be? (There are many different kinds to choose from)

Why did you put that in brackets as if I were an idiot? If I could be a rock I would be an emerald or a Ruby. I would consider being a Diamond as well. Im sorry that I cant choose between the 3.

What are your plans for the Valentine's Day?

I dont have any. My life is sad and pathetic nobody loves me or ever will. I will be alone for all of eternity because I am nobodies ideal companion. But wotever shit happens..

If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?

If I could be a tree, I would probably be a weeping willow. The leafs are strong and droopy and inside of the leaves the trunk (Im assuming will be my face because it was in Pocahontas) will protect me from any hash people or things that I don't want to see. I suppose I would be quite an ignorant tree, but a tree that can stick to itself is a tree that can live happily. DO YOU FEEL ME BRO?!

How do you feel about judging people?

I feel good about judging people. I wish I could be everyones personal stylist. I cant walk two steps outside of my door without judging somebody. I guess theres hot and cold aspects of judging people though.


Language: English