
Hames Hassan

Ask @MesaMakesusmile

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U saw hatem in the open house .. Dint u ? ;)

Oh .. Wait i will just check the list of ppl i have seen in the open house -.-
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Saw ya today in the open house .. Hawz ur teachers commentz ?

R u having some problem with the "s" on ur keyboard ? ._.
Anyways .. They were good ! ^_^
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Describe nancy

U will need to describe perfection first <3
It would take my whole life describing her :$
We were together in grade 7 n i used to hate her like nothing !!
But it was all about REALLY knowing her
Dude i am speechless wen it comes to describing her <333
I have never seen a person like her in my life although i ve got lots of friends but she is the one UNIQUE girl i have ever seen
Liked by: Nancy Magdy

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

Everyone thinks that they are criminals .. Like wen a security sees a bunch of teenagers in a mall or something , he keeps an eye on them as if he is expecting a disaster in the next few minutes .. :/ i have seen this before many times !
Liked by: Manal.S

Happy birthday :) ofcourse u want to ask me why i am anonomus :P

Thanks alot.. I guess i really wanna know who is the person wishing me happy birthday but its up to u though :)

R u really going back to egypt ?!

Ok i have been hearing this from many.. u r not the first one .. Ppl i did not say that at all !! Plz stop spreading rumors !

I should say this annonumously but u r so pwety hames .. Im so jelous :(

Hahahahahaha ok ok im sure u r just as pretty as anything could be but u cant just find that out urself :D

Ur wishes ?

Well i have answered this question before .. Its a really long one so please check it out instead of me writing it once again :)

What can people learn from animals?

People can learn as many things from animals.. Sorry i dont have the time to write them all .. But believe me god have created everything for humans so there should be something to learn from them.. They havent been created for the sake of nothing .

How do u expect boys to introduce themselfes to girls ?

I dont need any introductions ...thank u ^-^
But of u mean like generally .. I dont think u should ask this to a girl try it out with boys ... Like ask them .. How are we supposed to know anyways ?


Language: English