

Ask @MikeyyCyrus

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I asked you first. You answer everything remember?

um yes but U don't give my twitter to everyone so if you want me to follow you I will :)

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Umm no since I havnt talked to you in like 2 months haha ... And almost 17 in a week

omg ugh idk who you are ugh

We've talked a few times :) and you said we were cool but it was kinda awks :( but I like asking you questions :)

how old are you? and are you the one who was my secret admirer a few nights ago?

You're so cute. You will find someone soon *prays it's me* :)

awe thanks <3 It can't be you if I don't know who you are though.

Ideal guy?

at least my age, preferably older, Smart, sweet, sensitive, outgoing, lots of things in common with me, decently tall, muscular or lean, goal oriented, idk theres more

When do you want to meet your first boyfriend?

I don't think I can plan to meet my future boyfriend, but I'd hope to be in a relationship this year, or I should just accept that I'm forever single lol. But like I don't like any of the gay guys in my school, and I wouldn't date any of them, and It's hard to tell if a guy that idk is gay and I'm not going on grindr cause thats trashy, so thats basically my love life.
Liked by: Haylee Hannah

well if i told u who i am, then i wouldnt be ur secret admirer anymore ;)

ughhhhhhhh well I guess I cant flirt with you if i dont know who you are :P

would you date a minority? Do you consider sexual preferences in race to be racism?

I prefer white or latino, but I occasionally will like a black or asian guy and would date one. I don't think it's racist because its who you're attracted to.

rate these people on looks ALONE out of 10 xo imtht, dmann, brandonpinzu, etienne, connorthomson, samhuss

ill just order them based off looks: Etienne > Sam > Imtht > Connor > Brandon > Dmann


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