
Mirna Ghanem

Ask @MirnaGhanem

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even if u cursed or change the answer or even not answering the question I sent u ure still weak in basketball this is you live with it

ma ma3roof eno enty benit w et3rf meen enty fa bala 7arakat sabyne w t3mly feeha enil walad 3shan ma tkbry el meshkle w ttfd7y edam el 3alam ya 2amar k?? w men ek 2a5er el bent ely btsb manha benit enty w rejleeha wa7ad el etneen bnd3s 3aleeko 3ala fikra w la msl7tk la 3ad ts2ly w tkbry el mishkle
Liked by: Youssef Diab

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ربّــي ♡ . . إمّسحَ عَلى قلوُبنْا مسّحـۃ رضّا و نُورَ و سگينْہ مِنْ عِنْدگ


يقول الحبيب ﷺ: "إن من أفضل أيامكم #يوم_الجمعة فأكثروا علي من الصلاة فيه، فإن صلاتكم معروضة علي" …اللهم صلّ وسلم على نبينا وقدوتنا محمد ﷺ


Bf= Smile Tbh= your more than a sister to me w i always like go to you when i have a problem w bastasherk xD 3shan a5od advices❤️ bs ba2lna kteeeeer awiii matklmnash

Luay Hani
thts rly nice^^..its my pleasure wlhi:$ thnks alot ya luay we am alwys here whenever u need anything^_^


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