

Ask @Missperriganxo

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If you can't deal with having an ask or having anonymous people say things to you, then delete it.

I think I handle it just fine, thanks for your concern though :)

girl... you totally know who I am! :D I'm usually not anonymous... actually i'm never anonymous! don't worry, you love me!

Uhhhhh jen??

you get way too defensive for someone who doesn't care

If defensive is putting people in their place especially when it's something they claim they know about the life I live then sure. :)

you get an ask... then when people say stuff anonymously you get mad... but that's what it's for.. so why'd you get one?

Actually I don't get mad at all, I laugh at the ignorant things people say anonymous because they don't have the nerve to say it if someone knew who they actually were

girl.... you should know who asked you that question, GET EXCITED!

I don't know when you ask anonymous?


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