

Ask @MoMoney786

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yeahhh :o hang on lol , im going to send u a question yeah, don't answer it when you've read it send me a q in reply x

i dont do games but il be nice and play fair !

LOL back in the days we used to speak on msn ahhahaha LOOOOL back in them days imma send u a q don't answer it tho lol x

msn ? you have seriously lost me

YOOOO I remember you AK OMFGGGG X

woah !!! even i dont member my face in the mirror in the morning call it > kismat konnektion

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What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

That the biggest mistake is not learning from the mistakes you have already made !
Liked by: ca

not judging you. its factual. shes just lost someone close to her an seriously ill and your sendin tunes?give yourself a round of applause

Well ovbiously she's not in my life any more am I meant to know by closing my eyes and Imagining and if she's managed to cut me out of her life why you so worried about me ?
Liked by: ca

Run your mouth about my girl again and you will regret it.If you loved her like you say you did you wouldnt chat shit like you do have some respect shes going through some very hard times and losses!

Come again ?

ps I wont beat my bitchy female friend, thanks anyway

Lol, fuck and chuck << what I said didn't mean literally to beat some girl up :)

Where would you bury your treasure if you had some?

That would be telling - like my DONNNY DONN DON partner say's >>> "SHHH !"

Y u saying to hira that a should stop liking her questions

Hahahah I'm glad she told you because I need hira more then you do ! She might not admit but she likes me better but cuz I'm nice I text her just now and told her to not to contact me no more so you two can get married !


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