
Mohi ✌

Ask @Mohi69

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why do you even like pim? she is a slut.

Pim is amazing, she's just incredible and im always so happy when im with her. She makes me happy and she makes me smile like an idiot and she does it all without even trying. When im with her i just, i can't describe the feeling i get. We have had so many good times together and I've loved every minute we've spent together. I miss her as soon as she leaves my arms. She's all that matters when im with her, all my problems go away. And as long as she's happy, im happy. She is truly the most amazing girl i know. She's flawless. She's beautiful ,inside and out. She has the best personality so adorable. She has the cutest little laugh, i love her cute little giggle. She has the warmest cuddles, i love holding her in my arms. She gives the tightest hugs. And her kisses are the best. She has such a gorgeous smile. I love it. I love how we talk for hours and hours, i love how she is so understanding, i love everything little thing about her. And the thing i love the most, is that she's all mine. she's my world. I can't imagine what my life would be like without her.

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Thoughts <3

You're really nice and cool to talk to. I haven't seen you in ages! We have to hang soon :) you're funny, you have good style. Too cool ;) haha jk jk
Liked by: †Amirya

thoughts? x x btw ur so fuken sexc :*

Josh Moffat
Josh mate ;3 you're crack up as! haven't seen you since that time i wasted you in rugby ;) haha jk. You're the bro, you're a steeze! you pull all the girls. They all just line up for you ;) sexy cheek bones ;) haha hang soon bro :) you're sexy x x
Liked by: Josh Moffat

thoughts? :)

Katy Zander
You have such cool eyes! you're really nice and cool to talk too, even though we haven't talked in ages-.- uh i like that when it was raining you let me stand under your guys umbrella and thats when we met hahahaha :b you're so popular and uh yeah :)


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