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Hi I am a J2, may I know what is the # for this year's instagram photo sharing?

For example, the hashtag for any pictures posted on the first day of orientation will be #nyjcprimavolta1

What do we have to bring tomorrow? (Other than the $24?)

•Extra cash if J1s want to purchase the school uniform + to settle meals
•Water bottle
•Writing materials
That's all! :)

Hi! You must be elected to enter nyjc students council right? :)

To enter Council, applicants will have to go through both selection and election. More details will be given out soon! :D

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Will we be able to check our groups again tomorrow? :O

Yup you may! Simply approach our friendly Councillors for help :)

Helllllllloooooo NYJC, I haven't gotten my OGL call yet. Will I know tmr?

Hello there!
If you have been posted to NYJC and has yet to receive a call from your OGL, then simply report to NYJC by 7:45am in your secondary school attire (Half-U)! :D

What do JC1s wear when they first report to school?

More information will be released soon! But most probably will be secondary school attire :)

Prospective NYJCian here, is SC a cca or something seperate? How do we apply to join SC?

First and foremost, we are extremely sorry for the late reply. And yes! In JC, SC is a CCA on its own :)
Students may apply for SC through an application form which will be distributed on CCA day by student councillors :D

Good Morning Yan Ming from 1334, CC head of student council. Please answer my enquiry. When will school start next January?

The first day of school for J2s is 6 January 2014!

We don't have to report to school at 830 if our lesson starts at 930 and there's no assembly right?

There is no assembly, so we are not obliged to report to school by 8:30 :)

Newspaper Corner for the library?

This is neither under the school management nor Council. Please direct this feedback to the Drum :)

Since everyone is giving the various departments feedbacks, I should too ^^ I feel that the questions in project dash should be attached to tutorials. It would be More organized and complete. It could be categorized as DIY section. At least it won't be distributed late. (Physics) thank!!!

Thank you for your feedback. We will direct this feedback to the physics department :)

Why are you busy answering questions on ask.fm? GP & econs tomorrow sia!

What is promos
Haha jiayou fellow NYJCian! :)

is the big NYJC Be More banner at the entrance gonna be put back soon? I hope they are after promos!! We need it for open house and NYJC experience hehe :P

We hope so too! But it will be up to the school management to decide, so we can't really give you an answer right now :(
So sorry!

To H2 Maths and Physics department: I was just wondering if we students could have softcopies of all JC papers (promo, prelim) from 2008-2011. Some of my friends in other JCs have. I would be nice if we could have them for additional practice. -J1 (need a reply from department)

We have checked with the school management and the respective departments. But sadly, the high-ups said they could only provide answers for feedbacks after the end of promos. So sorry and we hope to get back to you asap after promos!

Is it possible to place a few more copies of the exam seating plan at other places? This can prevent the crowd near the notice board cause some ppl are just standing to wait for the doors to open while some are squeezing through to check their seating arrangement. It's always kinda chaotic >.<

We have directed this feedback to the school management via one of our Council teachers. Hopefully we will be able to get back to you through twitter soon! :)

Who is answering this question? I wanna thank you for maintaining this page!!:)

This is confidential ;)
And you're welcome! Feels good to be appreciated :')

(Sorry cont hahaa) still pretty rampant! So please do try something about it to mitigate this issue thank you :)

(Continuation of previous feedback)

i think the school should put in more effort to encourage and spread the importance of recycling as well as keeping the school clean and litter-free. Like yeah the school compound may seem clean on the surface because of our fairly new facilities and such but the rat/flies/littering etc problems are

Thank you for the feedback! We will bring this up to the school management :)


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