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Hello! :) I'm not in nyjc yet but I'll like to know how the elections for SC works! Is it like internal voting or will the entire school vote? Thanks!

Hi!:) firstly, all applicants will be required to undergo selection by the senior SCs. Then, we will nominate potential candidates for the entire school to vote during election. However, every year, the system varies as the council strive to fine tune the recruitment and election process to make it better. :)

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for enrichment day tmr do we just come in pe attire and shorts? dont need skirt?

Hi! Attire for enrichment day depends on the activity you have signed up for. E.g. If you sign up for fencing, you should be in PE attire. If you sign up for Beat Box, you should be in half uniform.

What time do we end on wed?:) and what if we do not have a red school based tee?

Hi! End time will be about 11.30am and it's alright if you don't have a red tee :) can wear any school related shirt :)

many j1s dont know what to report in tmr (monday) because of the get ed seminars and total defence stations. do we report in full u or half u? thanks!

Hi:) The attire to report in tmr for j1s is half-uniform! :)

Only chair or vicechair can be in clexco?

Hi :) More updates will be given closer to both the election of class leaders and class leaders camp. We would like to refer you to @NYJCLExco on Twitter should you have any further questions/ want to find out more about CLExco! Thank you :)

what time does school normally end on a cca day and non-cca day

Hi! The end time for cca and non cca days really depends on which cca you are in and the subject combi you are taking.

what are the reporting time for j2 for the wk?

Hi!:) the time table for j2s next week will be as follows:
Thurs A timetable
Reporting time:
According to your own thurs A timetable :)
**however do note that there is NO morning assembly!
So for the majority, please tap in by 8.55am :)
Fri A timetable
Reporting time:
According to your own timetable :)
CNY Celebrations
Reporting time:

Hi can we wear any red tee on Wednesday or must it be college based ?

Hello!:) the T- Shirt has to be college based! :) You are encouraged to wear a red college based T-Shirt, but if you don't have one, come in a college based tee instead!^^ thanks for your question!
- CLExco :)

Hi, how often does street dance train?

Hi! Street Dance has official practice every Wednesday! During performance periods, they would have additional self practices and there is no fixed date for these additional practices! :)

Hello, are the J1s dismissed after Get Ed tmr? So if im in the first session, i get dismissed at 12.30pm?

Hi! You still have to attend the 30 SCE stations after your lunch and you will end school at 4pm! :)

Does it mean on dress down day,we are not allowed to wear pe shirt if we don't have pe?

Hello! Nope :) dressdown days can wear pe shirt too :) but bottom has to be uniform pants/skirt!

Hi may I know if all the class leaders and cca leaders have to be self recommended ? The teachers and seniors will not be the ones choosing cca leaders ?

Hi! This depends on your CT tutor and the cca you are in, they all vary :)

Is it possible to explain/provide more information about the valantine's day event? The Cupid something one haha

Hi! Council Cupid is a free message delivery service that is being provide by the student council for Valentine’s Day! If you are writing to a j2, please write his/her name and class, if writing to a j1, please write his/her name and orientation og. Write and send your messages as soon as possible as the booth closes at 4pm tomorrow!

Hello! :) When and where will the interview results be out tomorrow?? :D

Hi! The interview results will be out tomorrow and it will be placed outside our council room which is just beside the fountain :)

How many times does squash cca meet up each week?

Hi!:) squash trainings are twice a week but you can also choose to go for self trainings! :)


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