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Hello I've signed up for Student Council interview and I'm scared that if I don't pass the interview, I may be cca-less. Should I sign up for another CCA trial in case?

Hello! It's really up to you whether you want to sign for another CCA trial. It doesn't disadvantage you in any way. :)

How does the SC election work?

Hello! During the election, you will be formally introduced to the school before giving a formal speech that will kickstart the campaigning process. During this period of time, there will be free-mic session held at our school canteen for nominees to reach out to more students. These are just the general points regarding election, if you are interested in SC, just submit your completed application form by this coming Tues (10 Feb) and we will brief all nominees regarding election in due time! :)

Is it possible to change class

Hello! It's not really possible to change class unless there is really an exception and strong reason to it because the class system has already been fitted for all the subject combinations your peers have chosen and there is a limit to each class capacity.

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What's the elastic thingy in the uniform blouse for....

Hi! It's meant for students to tuck in their uniform easily! :)

When will be the registration time and locations of the thumbprints? I cannot find it on the college website

Hello! The fingerprint biometric system can be found at the fountain area and aep corridor! For J1s, every Monday and Thursday, you have to tap in by 0855 and every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, you have to tap in by 0825. The system will recognize your fingerprint after you have save them and this 'save fingerprint' session will be announced to the J1 cohort soon! Do listen to the announcements carefully :))

What's this year's cut off point? Are they the same as last year's?

Hello! This year's cut off point for science and art is 7points! :)

Is NYSC an official cca? or are we allowed to join a cca + nysc?

Yes! NYSC is an official CCA and Yes, you may join NYSC with another CCA but only if you can cope with your academic studies! :)

If I appeal through a certain cca will I be called for audition or trial?

That would depends on which CCA you are joining
Most sports CCAs will have trials

Hi, if I was not from volleyball in primary or secondary school, can I still join volleyball (I'm a girl) ?

There will be trials held!!
If you pass you can join!!

Hi, may i know what time the J2s are supposed to report tomorrow? 0830/0900?

Hi! J2 report to your first lesson venues. Announcement was made last week.

Is h2 geog+ h2 econs very difficult to cope with?

Hello! :) Difficulty of these subjects varies for each student but there isn't an easy subject for Alevel :) every subject requires hard work and constant effort! :)

How can i apply to join the student council? :)

Hello! Application forms will be made available at the C^2 point outside canteen. :) Hope to see you at the 38th Student Council Investiture! :))

I was not posted to Nanyang JC to my disappointment. I have done the appeal online, I do not have a strong CCA background, anything you can recommend me to do?

Hi! Good luck for your appeal to NY and meanwhile do enjoy orientation at the school you have been posted to or your well-deserved rest! :) continue to work hard in whatever you do and don't lose faith or be too disappointed if the results isn't what you expect. :)

Hi! What do I need to do to appeal into NYJC? I've submitted the online appeal form already, do I still need to report to NYJC? :) thanks for your time!

Hi! You need to submit the relevant documents for your appeal to the general office and meanwhile, before the appeal result is released, you have to report to the school you are posted to by MOE. :)

Hi if my L1R4 is 11 do I have a chance to take 4H2s ?

Hi! There's a chance to study 4H2 as the teachers will also be seeing whether the pre-requisites for the 4H2 subjects have been met (apart from the cut off point must be 10 or below). :)

Is it possible to appeal to change stream from sci to art?

Hi! Yup it is possible as the cut off points for both streams are the same - 7 points. :)

Is there no house system in NYJC?

Hello! Yup there isn't any house system in NYJC! However, there are 4 House Tees sold in the bookshop (Power, Strength, Speed, Resilience printed respectively on the 4 different shirts)! :)

When is the last day for submission of subject combination?

Hi! The last day for submission of subject combination is Monday, 2Feb, 8am :)


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